Add-Edit Shift pane in Employee Schedules

This table describes the fields on the Add Shift and Edit Shift panes.

Fields on the Add-Edit Shift pane

Field Description Notes


Name of the employee.


Shift Date

Date when the shifts occurs.

Select the date from the drop-down list.


Start Time

Start time of the shift.

Type the time in the field.


End Time

End time of the shift.

Type the time in the field.


Pressing Enter after completing this field saves your updates in the pane.


Job associated with the employee for the shift.

Select the job from the drop-down list.



Assignment associated with the employee for the shift.

Select the assignment from the drop-down list.


Event associated with the employee's shift.

Select the event from the drop-down list.

This selection is applicable only if the employee is assigned to an event.

Only events scheduled for the selected date appear in the drop-down list.

Shift Category

Shift category associated with the employee for the shift.

Select the shift category from the drop-down list.


  • Add—Click to add an adjustment for a break. When you click the button, fields appear for you to enter the adjusted time and the reason for the adjustment.

  • Edit—Click to edit adjustments.

This section appears only if your property is configured to use adjustments.

Shift Note

Custom text note about the shift.

Type your note in the field.


Closes the pane without saving your changes.


Saves your changes and closes the pane.