Copying schedules in Employee Schedules

When you copy a schedule, you can copy all filled shifts from one week to another week. This feature is helpful if you are not interested in using the Generate Schedules option for autoscheduling or if you are in a department where the schedule does not change much from planning period to planning period.

Note: Copying schedules does not affect projected hours, which are based on forecast business volumes for the current planning period.

  1. In the upper-left corner of the screen, select Access your applications ( main menu icon ).
    The menu expands.

  2. Select Labor > Scheduling.
    The Employee Schedules screen appears.

    Note: When you first access the Employee Schedules screen, you must select jobs for which to display scheduling information.

  1. In the upper-right corner the screen, select Copy Schedules.
    The Copy Schedules dialog box appears.

  2. Complete the fields as necessary.

  3. Select Copy.
    The schedule is copied based on your selections.