Editing a certification for an employee

Caution: Information about employee certifications is either imported through interface files or entered manually on the Certifications tab. If you edit this tab, your changes might be overwritten the next time an interface file is imported. Check with your HR department to determine whether you need to add, delete, and edit files on the Certifications tab or whether the information is automatically updated through interface files.

  1. In the upper-left corner of the screen, select Access your applications ( main menu icon ).
    The menu expands.

  2. Select Administration > Employee Maintenance.
    The Employee Maintenance screen appears in a new tab.

  1. In the employee pane, select the employee you want to edit.
    For information about filtering the employee list, see Sorting and filtering employees in Employee Maintenance.
    The General tab updates with information for the selected employee.

  2. Select the Certifications tab. 

  3. In the upper-right corner of the certification tile, select the Edit button ( ).
    The Edit Certification dialog box appears.

  4. Edit the fields as necessary.

  5. Select OK.
    The dialog box closes, and your changes are applied.