Flex Period Projection report
The Flex Period Projection report provides detail which supports the P&L Performance Analysis report and also supports the Expected Period End Profitability functions. The program supports the P&L Performance Analysis report by giving you detailed actual vs. flex costs as part of the month end review. It supports the EPEP function by giving you the Projected period end amounts which tell you what you should spend between the date selected and month end based on actual business volume, costs to date for the period and original assumptions.
Key Information
Displays actual, period end projected, flex, and base (depending on the data set chosen) for each line, based on the original assumptions used in establishing the budget. It will also show you how much you've spent for a given month and what's available to be spent for the remainder of the month based on your original budget and the associated assumptions. For example, the report will show you actual $$/Room for guest supplies (assuming it was budgeted based on a POR value) compared to budgeted $$/Room.
The four columns are:
PTD Actual—What's been spent so far.
RP Amount—What is left to spend based on the original budget assumptions, actual expenditures and actual business.
Flex Amount—How much you should have spent so far, or - depending on options chosen - what your cost(s) should have been based on original budget assumptions.
Base Amount—The data set you've selected for comparative purposes.
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