Full Time Equivalent configuration screen in Budgeting

Use this screen to configure monthly values for Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) in your budget. The default value is Weekly 40, but you can add others as necessary. Your configured FTE types are available throughout the software wherever an FTE value is applicable.

Tasks performed from this screen


annotated image of Full Time Equivalent configuration screen

Fields on the Full-Time Equivalent configuration screen

# Field Description Notes



Add Period Length

Adds a new period length line at the bottom of the table.

The value must be between 1 and 50 characters.


Remove Selected

Removes the selected line from the table.

This button is available only if a row is selected.



Weekly Type Name

Name of the week type. 

Weekly 40 refers to a workweek that includes 40 hours. You can configure week types based on your employee schedule types. For example, you might have a Weekly 37.5 week type to accommodate a schedule for specific union members. 

Double-click the field to edit the name.

Default: Weekly 40.


Hours in configured financial periods

Number of hours in a configured financial period. Options include:

  • Hours in 28 Days

  • Hours in 29 Days

  • Hours in 30 Days

  • Hours in 31 Days

  • Hours in 35 Days

Double-click a field to enter or edit the value.

If you are entering a value for the first time, the values for the other period cells in the week type automatically update.

If you are editing a cell, enter a new value in the cell. The other period cells in the week type are not affected. For example, after values are automatically updated from an initial entry, you might want to round certain period values up or down. Overriding the specific values does not change all other values.

For initial configuration, entering a value for the Hours in 28 Days cell automatically calculates the values for other period cells in the week type.

The five lengths of financial periods are available to all users. If you do not use a certain length of period, you can ignore those cells.



Discard Changes

Discards your most recent changes to the screen.


Save Changes

Saves your changes to the screen.