Generate Schedules dialog box

Use the Generate Schedules dialog box to start auto-scheduling employees into planned shifts. By default, all employee types and jobs will be scheduled.

Generate Schedules dialog box

Fields on the Generate Schedules dialog box

Field Description Notes

Employee Type

Specifies the type of schedules to generate. Options include:

  • Pre-schedules—Employees with pre-schedules entered.

  • Permanent—Employees with permanent schedules.

  • Regular—Employees with regular schedules.

  • Variable—Employees with variable schedules.

Default: All options selected.

You can select one or multiple options.

Start Date

Start date of the time frame for which to generate schedules.

This date is the first day of the current planning period and cannot be changed.


End Date

End date of the time frame for which to generate schedules.

Default: Last day of the current planning period.

Select jobs section

Jobs to include in the schedule.

If necessary, use the following controls to find shifts:

  • Select All ( icon )—Selects the check boxes for all organization levels in the tree menu.

  • Deselect All ( icon)—Clears the check boxes for all organization levels in the tree menu.

  • Expand All ( icon)—Expands the tree menu to display all organization levels.

  • Collapse All ( icon )—Collapses the tree menu to display only top organization levels.

  • Search ( icon)—Search field for entering the name of job or organization level, and tree menu updates to match your entry.

You can select one or multiple options.

Clear Schedule

  • On ( switch )—Schedules for the selected jobs are be cleared for the chosen date range before schedules are populated.

  • Off ( swithch )—Only existing unscheduled planned shifts are scheduled.

Default: On—schedules will be cleared.

Rotate Days Off

  • On ( switch )—For jobs with day-off rotation plans configured, plans will be used as part of the autoschedule routine.

  • Off ( switch )—No day-off rotation plans will be used.

Default: Off.


Generates the schedule and closes the dialog box.

This button becomes available for selection only after you have selected jobs.