Holiday Eligibility report
This report denotes how many holiday hours to pay an employee based on your company's specific business rules. Factors taken into consideration are the status of the employee, their average day, if they worked on the holiday or not, and seniority. This report should be run AFTER the time cards have been completed for the day of the holiday. By inputting the date of the holiday, the system will know how many actual hours were worked and denote holiday eligibility based on the configuration.
Key Information
Availability—Standard report included with all installations.
Security—Not rate sensitive.
View—User can create and save different option scenarios. For example, you may save a scenario where you Group ByDepartment and Filter by Division.
Display—User selects the year and holiday and determines whether or not to group by division or department and have page breaks.
Filter—User can filter by Division or Department.
Eligibility—Determined by the configured Work Rules.
Usage—Used to view how holiday hours were assigned based on business rules.
Data Source—Review Time Card screen and Holidays.
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