Locking and unlocking the budget structure on the Budget Structure screen
Locking the budget structure ensures that other users cannot edit the structure while you are signed in.
Note: Although locking the budget structure places a full lock on the structure, by default, the Budgeting application always applies a partial lock to the structure. With a partial lock, theBudgeting application determines if multiple users are working with the budget structure, notifies all users, and restricts the adding and editing of lines. With the full lock, only the current user can edit the budget structure.
Best practice: Unifocus recommends that you fully lock the budget structure while you are editing.
In the upper-left corner of the screen, select Access your applications (
The menu expands. -
Select Financial > Budgeting.
The Budgeting Dashboard screen appears.
In the Budgeting menu pane, select Budget Configuration (
) > Budget Structure.
The Budget Structure screen appears.
In the upper-right corner of the screen, do one of the following:
Turn on Lock Structure (
) to fully lock the structure.
Turn off Lock Structure (
) to unlock the structure.