My Processes

When you run a task that must process in the background, a pop-up notification appears by the status bar in the lower-left corner of each screen. Selecting the status bar takes you to the My Processes screen, which displays all running background tasks. 

Note: You can also open the My Processes screen from the main menu.

My Processes screen

# Field Description Notes


Task List pane



Name and status of the background task.

Click anywhere in the row to open the Task Details pane.


Download icon

Downloads the file associated with the background task. For example, the Close Pay Period process generates payroll files that are sent to the payroll processor.

The download icon is available only for completed tasks that have associated files.


Task Details pane



Name and unique identification number of the task. 



Details include:

  • Status—The status of the tasks. Options include:

    • Running

    • Finishing up

    • Completed

  • Submitted—Date and time when the task was submitted by a user.

  • Started—Date and time when the software started running the task.

  • Ended—Date and time when the task finished running.

  • Notes—Custom notes about the task.



Downloads the file associated with the background task. For example, the Close Pay Period process generates payroll files that are sent to the payroll processor.

The download icon is available only for completed tasks that have associated files.


Go to App

Opens the application or screen associated with the task/process.