Post-Calculation work rules are miscellaneous rules that are run after hours and rate calculations are completed.
The Post-Calculation work rule type includes the following work rules:
Approve By Schedule
Description |
Automatically approve the shift if it matches the schedule. |
Parameters | Parameter | Description |
Approve OT |
Allows the automated approval of a shift even if it includes overtime. |
Grace Post Schedule End |
Number of minutes, after a shift ends, that an employee can punch out and still have the shift match the schedule. Example: If the grace period is 60 minutes and an employee punches out 65 minutes after their shift ends, the shift will not be matched. If they punch out 55 minutes after their shift ends, points would be assessed if the punches fall outside the other parameters. |
Grace Post Schedule Start |
Number of minutes after a shift starts, that an employee can punch in and still have the shift match the schedule. Example: If the grace period is 60 minutes and an employee punches in 65 minutes after their shift starts, the shift will not be matched. If they punch in 55 minutes after their shift starts, points would be assessed if the punches fall outside the other parameters. |
Grace Pre Schedule End |
Number of minutes before a shift ends, that an employee can punch out and still have the shift match the schedule. Example: If the grace period is 30 minutes and an employee punches out 35 minutes before their shift ends, the shift will not be matched. If they punch out 25 minutes before their shift ends, the shift would be matched, and points would be assessed if the punches fall outside the other parameters. |
Grace Pre Schedule Start |
Number of minutes before a shift starts, that an employee can punch in and still have the shift match the schedule. Example: If the grace period is 60 minutes and an employee punches in 65 minutes before their shift starts, the shift will not be matched. If they punch in 55 minutes before their shift starts, the shift would be matched, and points would be assessed if the punches fall outside the other parameters. |
Max Shift Length Over |
Maximum length of time an employee can work after their shift ends, and still have the shift match the schedule. Example: If the Maximum Shift Length Over is 60 minutes and an employee works a total of 9.5 hours (or 90 minutes over their scheduled shift), the shift will not be matched. |
Min Shift Length Under |
Minimum length of time an employee can work and still have a shift match the schedule. Example: If the Maximum Shift Length Under is 60 minutes the scheduled shift length was 8 hours, and an employee works a total of 6.5 hours (90 minutes less than their scheduled shift), the shift will not be matched. |
Use Actual Punch Time |
If the check box is selected, the system will use the employee's actual punch time, rather than rounding. |
Verify Job |
If the check box is selected, the shift will not be approved if it does not match the scheduled job. |
Minimum Wage Compliance
Description |
Adds an earning for each week to comply with minimum wage requirements. |
Parameters | Parameter | Description |
Earning |
Earning Type to which the dollar amount is assigned. |
Tip Make Up
Description |
Adds an earning for each week that an employee's tips are less than the tip credit. |
Parameters | Parameter | Description |
Earning |
Earning Type to which the dollar amount is assigned. |
Contract Guarantee Rule
Description |
Creates an earning for all hours worked in secondary jobs when the hours are less than the contracted hours for the period, and the wage is less than the Home Job wage. |
Parameters | Parameter | Description |
Earning |
Earning Type to which the dollar amount is assigned. |
Earning Types |
Select the Earning Types to count toward the contract. |
Use Default Structure Rate |
If the check box is selected, the rate that was configured in Labor Structure is used as the default rate. |
Break Period Penalty (Group by Shift)
Description |
Creates an hour-based penalty earning if a break of specific duration is not taken during the specified hours worked. |
Example |
The Plus One rule states that an employee who works more than 5 hours must take at least a 30-minute break or the employer is required to pay the employee an additional hour at the employee's regular rate of pay. |
Parameters | Parameter | Description |
Check Missing Break |
If selected, missing breaks are included in validation checks. If not selected, missing breaks are excluded from validation checks. |
Earning |
Earning Type to which the dollar amount is assigned. |
First Break Limit |
Hours that must be worked before an employee can take their first break. |
First Minimum Shift Length |
Minimum shift length before a break penalty can be applied. If the employee works fewer hours than the configured minimum, the work rule does not apply. |
Hours/Penalty |
Number of penalty hours assigned to the earning. |
Maximum Daily Penalty |
Maximum amount for the daily penalty that can be applied. |
Maximum Hours Worked |
Maximum hours that can be worked to trigger the work rule. If the employee works more hours than the configured maximum, the work rule does not apply. Default: 24 |
Minimum Break Length |
Minimum amount of time a break can last. |
Only allow earning once per day |
When selected, this ensures that the earning generated from this rule will apply only once per day. |
Other Earnings |
Select other Earning Types that count toward the penalty rate. |
Pay FLSA Regular Rate |
Select the check box to automatically factor in all additional earnings that are included in the FLSA regular rate. Note: Selecting this check box overrides any earnings that you manually added in the Other Earnings field. |
Second Break Limit |
Hours an employee can work before a second break must be taken. |
Second Minimum Shift Length |
Minimum shift length before a second break penalty can be applied. |
Use Actual Punch Time |
If selected, the system will use the employee's actual punch time, rather than rounding. |
Break Period Penalty (Group by Day)
Description |
Creates an hour-based penalty earning if a break of specific duration is not taken during the specified hours worked. |
Example |
The Plus One rule states that an employee who works more than 5 hours must take at least a 30-minute break or the employer is required to pay the employee an additional hour at the employee's regular rate of pay. |
Parameters | Parameter | Description |
Earning |
Earning Type to which the dollar amount is assigned. |
Hours/Penalty |
Number of penalty hours assigned to the earning. |
Maximum Daily Penalty |
Maximum amount for the daily penalty that can be applied. |
Maximum Hours Worked |
Maximum hours that can be worked to trigger the work rule. If the employee works more hours than the configured maximum, the work rule does not apply. Default: 24 |
Minimum Hours Worked |
Minimum number of hours a shift requires to trigger this rule. |
Only allow earning once per day |
When selected, this ensures that the earning generated from this rule will apply only once per day. |
Other Earnings |
Select other Earning Types that count toward the penalty rate. |
Pay FLSA Regular Rate |
Select the check box to automatically factor in all additional earnings that are included in the FLSA regular rate. Note: Selecting this check box overrides any earnings that you manually added in the Other Earnings field. |
Use Actual Punch Time |
If selected, the system will use the employee's actual punch time, rather than rounding. |
Guaranteed Hours In Pay Period
Description |
Ensures that employees are paid for a guaranteed minimum number of hours. |
Parameters | Parameter | Description |
Earning |
Earning Type to which the dollar amount is assigned. |
Guaranteed Pay Period Hours |
Amount of hours guaranteed to be paid per pay period. |
Prorate |
Prorate earning based on the proportion of the employee's active days in the pay period. |
Premium Hours Rounding
Description |
Rounds premium hours to the specified time interval. Example 1: The rule is configured so that OT Hours Round to Nearest is set to 15 Minutes and the Round Up Only checkbox is selected. If employees affected by this rule worked 7 minutes of overtime (OT), they would receive OT pay for 15 minutes. Example 2: The rule is configured so that OT Hours Round to Nearest is set to 15 Minutes and the Round Up Only checkbox is not selected. If employees affected by this rule worked 7 minutes of OT, they would not receive OT pay. |
Parameters | Parameter | Description |
OT Hours Round to Nearest |
Overtime (OT) hours are rounded to the selected interval. Default: No rounding. |
Round Up Only (OT) |
If selected, the software only rounds up OT hours to the nearest interval. If cleared, the software rounds up or down to the nearest interval. Default: Selected. |
DT Hours Round to Nearest: |
Double time (DT) hours are rounded to the selected interval. Default: No rounding |
Round Up Only (DT) |
If selected, the software only rounds up DT hours to the nearest interval. If cleared, the software rounds up or down to the nearest interval. Default: Selected. |