Regular Rate
Regular Ratework rules determine the rate of pay at which regular hours are paid.
The Regular Rate work rule type includes the following work rules:
Job Regular Rate
Description |
Set the regular rate according to job pay rate. |
Parameters | Parameter | Description |
Selected Hours Distribution Types |
Select the Hours Distribution Types to include. |
Home Department Regular Rate
Description |
Set the regular rate for the home department according to the home job pay rate. Jobs outside the Home department will use the property default rates. |
Parameters | Parameter | Description |
Pay Greater Rate |
If selected, the rate is set to the greater of the home job rate or the property default rate for secondary jobs. |
Selected Hours Distribution Types |
Select the Hours Distribution Types to include. |
Home Job Regular Rate
Description |
Set all rates for all jobs to the home job pay rate. |
Parameters | Parameter | Description |
Not applicable. |
Not applicable. |
Annual Salary Over Hours Worked in Period
Description |
Computes the hourly rate from an annual salary based on the hours worked in a period. The hourly rate calculation is: ((Annual Salary / Periods Per Year) - Earnings) / Worked Hours |
Parameters | Parameter | Description |
Other Earnings |
Select which other earning types will be deducted from the period salary prior to computing the hourly wage. ((Annual Salary / Periods Per Year) - (Earnings+Other Earnings)) / Worked Hours Other Earnings options include:
Selected Hours Distribution Types |
Select the Hours Distribution Types to include. |
Shift Category Minimum Wage
Description |
Ensures that minimum wage is paid for selected shift categories, while the regular rate is set according to the job pay rate. Example: If an employee attends job training he is paid at his regular rate for that job, unless the regular rate is below minimum wage, in which case the training is paid at minimum wage. |
Parameters | Parameter | Description |
Shift Categories |
Select which shift categories will be paid at least minimum wage. |
Factor Job Regular Rate
Description |
Set the regular rate according to the job pay rate multiplied by the wage factor. Regular Rate = Job Rate x Wage Factor |
Parameters | Parameter | Description |
Selected Hours Distribution Types |
Select the Hours Distribution Types to include. |
Wage Factor |
The wage factor to be used in the calculation. |
Combination Job Regular Rate
Description |
Ensures that employees who work two jobs at different pay rates are paid at the higher rate for all hours worked. Examples: If an employee is assigned to perform the work of a higher compensated classification for fewer than the configured daily hours threshold, they will be paid the rate of the higher classification for all such hours worked. If an employee is assigned to perform the work of a higher compensated classification for hours equal to or greater than the configured daily hours threshold in one shift, they will be compensated at the higher rate for the entire shift. If an employee is assigned to perform the work of a higher compensated classification for equal to or greater than the weekly-rate days threshold in any week, they will be compensated at the higher rate for the entire week. Important: This rule may not be configured with pay period types other than weekly or with pay period types not synchronized with the workweek. |
Parameters | Parameter | Description |
Daily Hours Threshold |
The threshold, in hours, that determines whether to pay at the higher rate for any given day. Examples: An employee's regular rate is $16/hr, but, on Tuesday, the employee performs the responsibilities of a job that is normally paid at $19/hr for a total of 3 hours. If the Daily Hours Threshold is set to 4, the employee will be paid 3 hours at $19/hr, and the rest of the shift will be paid at the employee's regular rate. If the Daily Hours Threshold is set to 3, all hours that the employee worked on Tuesday will be paid at the higher rate. |
Selected Hours Distribution Types |
Select the Hours Distribution Types to include. |
Weekly Rate Days Threshold |
The threshold, in days, that determines whether to adjust the weekly rate. |
Shift Category Regular Rate
Description |
Shifts of the configured categories are paid at the configured fixed rate. Any other shifts will be paid at the job rate. |
Parameters | Parameter | Description |
Fixed Rate |
Enter the fixed rate at which the selected shift categories will be paid. |
Shift Categories |
Select the shift categories to be paid at the fixed rate. |