Revenue report (Revenue)
The Revenue report displays information about the balancing of the day's audit, as well as detail on all revenue data. You determine whether you wish to view Gross and Net data, Net Only data, or the Day-by-Day format.
All reports contain eight sections of data:
Taxes and Adjustments in Total Receipts
Adjustments from Revenue
Credit Cards
A/R Recap
Cash Reconciliation
Control Summary Totals
Memo and FYI Amounts
Each section displays data for the previous night (as determined by the Report Date) and Period-to-Date data except for the Day-by-Day format which simply displays a Total for the line.
The Day-by-Day format provides more detail as it displays data for each day from the beginning of the period through the Report Date, as well as a total.
To run this report for a past period in the current year, enter the ending date to print and the starting date will change to the beginning of that period.
Key Information
Compares date-to-date
Data Source: Revenue data entry screens
Used as a daily report
Date Type: Period specific
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