Setting up Labor Dashboard
The Settings dialog box appears each time you access one of the Labor Dashboard screens. There are two tabs available in this dialog box: Basic Setup and Advanced Setup. By default, the dialog box opens with the Basic Setup tab selected. Use the Basic Setup tab to select the properties and date ranges for which to view labor data. In the Advanced Setup tab, you can select the properties and date ranges, as well as specify Property Tags and Budget Data Sets to display in the dashboard.
Although the Settings dialog box is the first step when accessing Labor Dashboard, you can return to it at any time to makes changes using the Settings button in the top-right of the Labor Dashboard screens.
Using the Basic Setup tab
Access the Settings dialog box of Labor Dashboard:
If you are accessing the desired Labor Dashboard screen, the Setting dialog box appears after you select the screen from the main menu.
Accessing Labor DashboardIn the upper-left corner of the screen, select Access your applications ( ).
The menu expands.Select Analytics > Labor Dashboard.
The Labor Dashboard menu expands.Select one of the Labor Dashboard screens:
At a Glance
Issues and Opportunities
Metrics and Reports
Property Ranking
Last Week Next Week
Best Available Data
The selected Labor Dashboard screen opens to the Setting dialog box.
For more information, see Settings dialog box for the Labor Dashboard.If you are already working in a Labor Dashboard screen, select Settings.
The Setting dialog box appears.Click here for field descriptions.Fields on the Basic Setup tab of the Settings dialog box for Labor Dashboard
Field Description Notes Select Properties Search Properties
Search field for properties.
As you type search criteria in the field, the property list updates based on your entries.
Property list
Lists all properties available for selection.
Select the properties you want to include in the dashboard calculations. If necessary, use the scroll bar to see all properties.
Select All
Selects check boxes for all properties.
Unselect All
Clears check boxes for all properties.
Date Range Date Range selectors are not available for all Labor Dashboard screens.
Date range selector
Configured date ranges to display.
From the drop-down list, select one of the options.
If you select an option in this field, the date range in the date range selector field below updates to reflect your selection.
Custom date range selector
Start and end dates for the date range.
Select options from a fly-out calendar.
Dialog box button Continue
Closes the dialog box and applies your selections to the dashboard screen.
In the Select Properties section, select the properties to include in the view.
In the Date Range section, do one of the following:
From the drop-down list in the top field, select a specific time frame for which data is displayed.
From the calendar menu in the bottom field, select the start and end dates for the range for which data is displayed.
Select Continue.
The Labor Dashboard screen appears.
Using the Advanced Setup tab
Access the Settings dialog box of Labor Dashboard:
If you are accessing the desired Labor Dashboard screen, the Setting dialog box appears after you select the screen from the main menu.
Accessing Labor DashboardIn the upper-left corner of the screen, select Access your applications ( ).
The menu expands.Select Analytics > Labor Dashboard.
The Labor Dashboard menu expands.Select one of the Labor Dashboard screens:
At a Glance
Issues and Opportunities
Metrics and Reports
Property Ranking
Last Week Next Week
Best Available Data
The selected Labor Dashboard screen opens to the Setting dialog box.
For more information, see Settings dialog box for the Labor Dashboard.If you are already working in a Labor Dashboard screen, select Settings.
The Setting dialog box appears.Click here for field descriptions.Fields on the Basic Setup tab of the Settings dialog box for Labor Dashboard
Field Description Notes Select Properties Search Properties
Search field for properties.
As you type search criteria in the field, the property list updates based on your entries.
Property list
Lists all properties available for selection.
Select the properties you want to include in the dashboard calculations. If necessary, use the scroll bar to see all properties.
Select All
Selects check boxes for all properties.
Unselect All
Clears check boxes for all properties.
Date Range Date Range selectors are not available for all Labor Dashboard screens.
Date range selector
Configured date ranges to display.
From the drop-down list, select one of the options.
If you select an option in this field, the date range in the date range selector field below updates to reflect your selection.
Custom date range selector
Start and end dates for the date range.
Select options from a fly-out calendar.
Dialog box button Continue
Closes the dialog box and applies your selections to the dashboard screen.
Select Advanced Setup.
In the Select Property Tags section, select the tags that are applied.
In the Select Properties section, select the properties to include in the view.
In the Date Range section, do one of the following:
From the drop-down list in the top field, select a specific time frame for which data is displayed.
From the calendar menu in the bottom field, select the start and end dates for the range for which data is displayed.
In the Budget Data Sets section, do the following:
From the Budget drop-down list, select the budget dataset to work with.
From the Forecast drop-down list, select the forecast dataset to work with.
Select Continue.
The Labor Dashboard screen appears.