Viewing data in the Budget Structure screen
In the upper-left corner of the screen, select Access your applications ( ).
The menu expands. -
Select Financial > Budgeting.
The Budgeting Dashboard screen appears.
In the Budgeting menu pane, select Budget Configuration ( ) > Budget Structure.
The Budget Structure screen appears.
This page explains the following tasks:
Filtering the budget structure
In the Filter Budget Structure field, type the name of a budget line.
As you type, the Budget Line tree menu updates based on your entry.
Expanding and collapsing multiple groups of lines
Because a budget line tree can contain many groups and lines, there are times when you will need to expand or collapse large groups to clearly see the desired budget line. Using the Expand Group ( ) and Collapse Group ( ) controls in the Tools section, you can expand or collapse all lines and groups of lines contained within the selected budget line.
To expand multiple groups of lines:
In the Budget Line tree menu, select the parent line to expand.
In the Tools section, select Expand Group ( ).
All groups of total lines contained in the selected parent line expand.
To collapse a multiple group of lines:
In the Budget Line tree menu, select the parent line to collapse.
In the Tools section, select Collapse Group ( ).
All groups of total lines contained in the selected parent line collapse.
Expanding and collapsing a total line
Using the expand ( ) and collapse ( ) controls in the Budget Line tree menu, you can expand or collapse a single total line and its child budget lines.
To expand a total line:
In the Budget Line tree menu, select the expand ( ) button in front of the total line to expand.
The total line expands.
To collapse a total line:
In the Budget Line tree menu, select the collapse ( ) button in front of the total line to collapse.
The total line collapses.