Working with the Enter Actual Hours screen

Accurate labor reporting and analytics require that all worked hours and costs are reflected in Unifocus RMS. Use the Enter Actual Hours screen to enter worked hours and costs for jobs and shift categories that are not interfaced or imported into Unifocus RMS.

On the Enter Actual Hours screen, you can perform the following tasks:

Customizing the My Jobs pane

You can customize the My Jobs pane to display only the jobs for which you are responsible.

  1. Select the My Jobs tab.

  2. Select Edit My Jobs.
    The Edit My Jobs dialog box appears.

  3. If necessary, do the following:

    • To expand the tree menu to display all organization levels, select Expand All (  icon).

    • To collapse the tree menu to hide all organization levels, select Collapse All ( icon).

    • To filter the tree menu, type the desired job in the Search (  icon) field.

  4. Select the jobs to add.

    Note: You cannot select the tree menu node for an entire division or department. You must select the individual jobs within those divisions or departments.

  5. Select Save.

  6. The dialog box closes, and the list of jobs in the My Jobs pane updates to reflect your selections.

  7. From the Shift Category drop-down lists, select the shift category to apply to each job in your list.
    The application remembers your selection for future sessions.

Entering actual hours and costs

All actual entries must be applied to a job and shift category.

Tip: To save time, use the My Jobs pane to create a list of jobs for which you will enter data for on a regular basis. For more information, see Customizing the My Jobs pane.

  1. Do one of the following to select the actuals period to work with:

    • Select the Actuals Period date range field and select a range from the drop-down list.

    • To select the current actuals period, select Current.

    • Select the Previous (  arrow ) or Next ( arrow ) arrows to go to the previous or next period.

  2. In either the My Jobs or the Labor Structure pane, do one of the following to select the job and shift category:

    • In the My Jobs pane:

      1. Select the My Jobs tab.

      2. Select the job for which to enter actual hours.

      3. If necessary, apply a shift category to the job:

        Note: The first time you enter hours, you must apply shift categories to jobs. The software then remembers your selection for future sessions.

        1. In the row of the desired job, select Shift Category.

        2. From the drop-down list, select a shift category for which to enter actual hours.
          The table updates based on your selection.

  3. In the Labor Structure Pane:

    1. Select the Labor Structure tab.

    2. In the tree menu, select the job. If necessary, do the following:

      • To expand the tree menu to display all organization levels, select Expand All (  icon).

      • To collapse the tree menu to hide all organization levels, select Collapse All ( icon).

      • To filter the tree menu, type the desired job in the Search (  icon ) field.

    3. Above the tree menu, select the Shift Category field and select the shift category from the drop-down list.
      The table updates based on your selection.

  4. In the upper-right corner of the screen, select Enter Hours and Costs.
    The Manual Entry for ... dialog box appears.

  5. Select the desired cell and enter the actual hours or cost.

    Note: Depending on the selected cell, you enter either hours or dollar amounts.

  6. Select Save.
    The dialog box closes, and the Enter Actual Hours table updates based on your entries.