Working with salaried standards

Salaried standards are used to configure how many hours a salaried employee works in each shift. For example, a salaried employee might work 40 hours per week in the same shift, or they might work 20 hours in an AM shift and 20 hours in a PM shift. The Salaried Standards tab allows you to define how the total hours are split.

This tab is only available if the Standard Type is set to Salaried. For more information, see Configuring Planner Settings.

The Standards pane is available only if a job or assignment/sub-assignment is selected. The Standards pane is not available at the property, division, or department levels.

  1. In the upper-left corner of the screen, select Access your applications ( main menu icon ).
    The menu expands.

  2. Select Setup > Labor Standards.
    The Labor Standards screen appears.

  1. In the Labor Structure tree menu, select the labor structure level to which you want to add or edit a standard.
    Details for the selected labor structure appear in the right pane.

  2. From the Standard Set drop-down list, select the standard set that you want to work with.

  3. If necessary, expand () the Standards pane.

  4. Select the Salaried Standards tab.
    The Salaried Standards table appears.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • To create weekly standards for salaried employees:

      1. Select Weekly.
        The Weekly Salaried Standards table appears.

      2. In the Hours/Week column, enter the number of hours per week that salaried employees work each shift.

      3. In the Vacation Hours/Year column, enter the number of vacation hours that salaried employees receive per year.
        Your changes are saved automatically.

    • To create monthly standards for salaried employees:

      1. Select Monthly.
        The Monthly Salaried Standards table appears.

      2. In the Hours/Year column, enter the number of hours per year that salaried employees work each shift.
        Your changes are saved automatically.