Working with staffing standards
In the Staffing tab, you can define the minimum and maximum number of employees that can be scheduled for a job during certain times throughout the day. Using staffing standards, you can adjust the number of employees that RMS is permitted to schedule for various times of the day and days of the week. For example, if your restaurant typically only seats one table at a time on weekdays, from 7:00-11:00, you might limit the maximum staffing standard to only four employees during these hours. Likewise, if you expect higher business volumes on Friday and Saturday from 17:00-21:00, you might raise both the minimum and maximum staffing standards to meet the expected level of service for those volumes. Staffing minimums and maximums are typically used in conjunction with flowed labor standards.
If two shifts overlap, and each has a minimum and maximum, you might get twice the indicated value during those overlapped periods. For example, if the 8:00-12:00 shift has a maximum of 8, and the 10:00-14:00 shift also has a maximum of 8, you might have a total of 16 employees staffed for the overlapping hours, 10:00-12:00.
This tab is available only if the Standard Type is set to KBI Related. For more information, see Configuring Planner Settings.
The Standards pane is available only if a job or assignment/sub-assignment is selected. The Standards pane is not available at the property, division, or department levels.
Tasks performed on the Staffing Standards tab: