Adding a user to a group in User Administration

Adding a user to a group will grant the user all of the permissions assigned to that group. Unifocus recommends assigning a user to a group first and then making any necessary adjustments to the user's individual permissions at the user level.

All Property admins and Property admins cannot be added to groups.

  1. In the upper-left corner of the screen, select Access your applications ( main menu icon ).
    The menu expands.

  2. Select Administration > User Administration.
    The User Administration screen appears.

  1. In the left menu pane, select Manage Users icon ). This is the default view for the screen.

  2. From the User Accounts list, select the user to add or remove from groups.
    Details for the selected employee appear in the right pane.

  3. Select the Group Memberships tab.

  4. If necessary, use the Filter by database menu to change the database and/or the Search permissions field to filter the tree menu in the table. For more information, see Working with tabs in User Administration.

  5. In the Is a member column, select the check box for the group you want to add the user to.
    The user is added to the group.

    Note: To remove a user from a group, clear the check box in the row corresponding to the group that you want to remove the user from.

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