Adding an earning in Review Time Card

You add earnings in an employee's Review Time Card screen to create earnings that are not based on punches or daily hours. 

Warning: Remember that if you add double time to a set of punches that has already been calculated as overtime, you must offset the overtime with a negative number for the amount of the double time you are entering. The software will alert you to do this each time you enter double time on a day that has overtime already calculated. By not doing this, you are "double-dipping" or "pyramiding" the double time with the overtime.

  1. In the upper-left corner of the screen, select Access your applications ( main menu icon ).
    The menu expands.

  2. Select T&A > Review Pay Period.
    The Review Pay Period screen appears.

  1. Double-click an employee row.
    The employee's Review Time Card screen opens in a separate tab.

  1. To add an earning do one of the following:

    • In the time card section, double-click the Earning Type cell to select a type for the earning.
      Double-click the Earning Amount cell to enter an amount for the earning.
      Your entries save automatically.

    • Above the time card, select Add Earning.
      The Add Earning dialog box appears.

    • Right-click on a row in the time card and selectAdd Earning.
      The Add Earning dialog box appears.

  2. If you are adding an earning in the Add Earning dialog box, complete the fields as necessary.

  3. Select Save Earning.
    The earning is applied to the time card, and the dialog box closes.