Review Time Card screen

The Review Time Card screen appears when you select an employee on the Review Pay Period screen. It provides information about shifts, earnings, hours, and errors. 

There are three main sections of the Review Time Card screen: (1Controls and tabs, (2Time Card, and (3Details.

Review Time Card screen

* Personally identifiable information has been obscured or altered in the above image.

Controls and tabs

Time Card controls and tabs

Field Description Notes

Planning Period selector

Select the planning period for which to view the employee's time card.


Previous/Next planning period

Page through all available planning periods for the employee:

  • Previous—Use the previous button to go back to the previous planning period for the employee.

  • Next—Use the Next button to go forward to the next planning period for the employee.


Employee Name

The field displays the name of the selected employee.

Select the drop-down arrow to select a time card for a different employee.

Previous/Next time card

Page through all available time cards:

  • Previous—Use the previous button to go back to the time card screen for the previous employee in the list.

  • Next—Use the Next button to go forward to the time card screen for the next employee in the list.

View Employee Details

Opens a dialog box that displays additional read-only information for the employee. Details include:

  • Birth date

  • Hire date

  • Seniority date

  • Work class

  • Work status

  • Start dates and pay codes for each job.


View Effective Work Rules

Opens a dialog box that displays read-only information about all work rules associated with the employee.


Add Shift

Add a shift to the employee's time card.

Add Earning

Add an earning to the employee's time card.

Approve All Shifts

Approve all shifts on the time card.

If there are no unapproved shifts in the Time Card, this button is unavailable.

Approve All Earnings

Approve all earnings on the time card.

If there are no unapproved earnings in the Time Card, this button is unavailable.



Displays all shifts in the employee time card.


Displays shifts with errors.


Displays unapproved shifts.

Time Card

The time card table is equivalent to viewing an employee's punch card. It displays several columns by default. Select the Preferences button above the table to view or hide several additional columns. All shift times, including breaks, are editable by double-clicking in the cells. Double-clicking on a cell other than a time cell, opens the Edit Shift or Edit Earnings screen. Double-clicking in a time cell will activate the cell and allow you to enter a new time.

Note: If the employee worked a shift that spanned from the previous pay period into the current period, the time card for the current period displays the end date and time for the hours that spanned into the current pay period. This information appears in a gray row and is read-only. 

Column Description Notes


Date of the shift.



Day of the week during which the shift occurred.




Job assigned to the shift.


Shift category assigned to the shift.



Select the check box in this column to approve the shift.

If selected, the shift is approved. If cleared, the shift is unapproved.

Approved on

Date and time on which the shift was approved.

View this column by expanding the column group.


Approved by

Username of the manager or administrative user who approved the shift.

View this column by expanding the column group.


Approval Level

Shows the level of the user who approved the Earning.

View this column by expanding the column group.




Displays an alert icon () if the Time Card entry is in an Error status.



The method by which the shift or earning was entered into the system.

  • Auto ()—Entered by an automatic transmission from the Time Clock or Mobile App.

  • Rule ()—Entered as the result of a work rule.



If the shift is in an Error status, this column displays the cause of the error.

View this column by expanding the column group.




Add or edit notes for the shift.


If a note has been added, this column displays the note. A note can also be added inline here.

View this column by expanding the column group.

Schedule Notes

Information about employee time off requests.

View this column by expanding the column group.

Earning Info

Earning Type

Type of earning that was created, if applicable.

Earning Amount

Dollar amount for the earning.

View this column by expanding the column group.

Earning Total

Calculated total based on how the Earning Type is paid × the Earning Amount.

View this column by expanding the column group.


Shift Times

Time In

Time when the employee punched in.


Time when the employee punched for break.


Time when the employee punched back from break.

Time Out

Time that the employee punched out of the shift.

Shift Hours

Worked Hours

Number of hours worked in the shift.

View this column by expanding the column group.


Adjusted Hours

Adjustments that were entered on the Edit Shift screen.

View this column by expanding the column group.


Total Hours

Total number of hours worked in that shift, including Earnings.


Actual Hours During Period


Number of hours worked by the employee.

View this column by expanding the column group.



Number of overtime hours worked by the employee.


Hours that are paid at the regular overtime rate.

View this column by expanding the column group.


Double Time

Number of double time hours worked by the employee.


Number of hours the employee worked at the double time rate.

View this column by expanding the column group.



Total number of hours worked at an overtime or double time rate.



Total number of hours, including premium hours, that the employee worked.


Scheduled Hours During Period


Number of regular hours for which the employee was scheduled.

View this column by expanding the column group.



Number of overtime hours that the employee was scheduled to work.

View this column by expanding the column group.


Double Time

Number of double time hours that the employee was scheduled to work.

View this column by expanding the column group.



Total number of overtime and double time hours that the employee is scheduled to work.



Total number of hours for the scheduled shift.




Total number of Attendance Points for absence or tardiness during the shift.


Hours Late

Number of hours that the employee was late.

This allows you to manually create a negative earning/deduction when an employee is late.


Color codes for table cells

  • Light blue—Columns containing earnings data.

  • Light yellow—Columns containing punch-related data.

  • Bright yellow—Overlapping or duplicate shifts.

  • Red—Shifts that have punch errors. These errors must be corrected before the shift can be approved.

  • Red borders—Punch(es) that need to be corrected.

  • Orange—Employees who have exceeded their scheduled hours (and by how many hours) or employees who worked and were not scheduled to work (no hours listed). Entries in these cells indicate the number of hours the employees were scheduled to work, not how many hours the employees actually worked. For example, if employees were not scheduled to work but actually did work for 8 hours, you would see 8.00 in their columns. If the employees were scheduled to work 4 hours but actually worked 6 hours, you would see a 4 in their columns.


Note: Expand ( ) or collapse ( ) the details pane below the Time Card table to view additional information for the selected employee.

Note: For each tab, a number in a red circle () indicates that there are issues that must be addressed. This indicator appears only if there are issues.

Tab Description Notes

Job Summary

Lists the details about each job that the employee worked during the pay period. If you have the proper security permissions, you also see the average wage (Avg. Wage) for the employee. This tab also allows you to view the information by Job or (pay) Type, for a selected date range (Week 1, Week 2, Total Period), for Total Worked, Total Scheduled, and Total Costs. If an employee has more than one job and you select Type (instead of Job), the totals reflect the amounts for all Regular Hours, OT, etc. for all jobs worked. You can also determine whether to view all jobs the employee has at all properties or just jobs they have at the current property by selecting/clearing Only Show Current Property.


Schedules Worked

Displays, in graph format, the number of hours an employee actually worked versus how many hours they were scheduled. If the employee worked a shift that spanned from the previous pay period into the current period, the graph for the current period displays a gray bar that represents the end date and hours for that spanned shift.



Displays a log of every change that was made to the employee's shift during the pay period. 


Rejected Punches

Displays a list of punches that were rejected by the Time Clock, and allows you to override the rejection. For more information, see Correcting rejected punches in the Time Card.


Displays the employee's schedule information in a table format.



Displays a summary of all activity for the period, pertaining to benefits. For example, vacation accrued, hours lost due to expiration, and time off requests would be listed.


Punch Corrections

Displays a summary of the employee's punch corrections. From this tab, you can accept or reject selected punches.



Displays the following:

  • Results of punches that have been manually modified and the employee's response. Whenever a modification is made to Time Card, the employees are notified and they can accept or dispute the change. For example, if an employee forgets to punch in and the manager manually enters an In time, the employee can either accept the change or reject it. If the manager puts in an incorrect In time, the employee can dispute the manager's adjustment.

  • Results of earning dispute acknowledgments that employees entered in the Time Clock. Whenever managers edit employees' earnings, the edits appear when the employees log in to a Time Clock. Employees can accept or dispute edits to earnings.