Copy Dataset dialog box in Budget Utilities

The Copy Dataset dialog box is accessed from the Budget Utilities drop-down list in the Budgeting menu pane.

For more information, see Copying a dataset in Budget Utilities.

Fields on the Copy Dataset dialog box

Field Description Notes
Source Dataset(s)

Year & Dataset

Select the year and dataset from which to copy data.


Period Range

Select the financial period range for the dataset from which you are copying data.



Default range is Period 1 - Period 12.


For multiple source datasets, period ranges cannot overlap.


Adds a new row where you can specify another dataset to copy.



Deletes a selected source dataset.

This control appears only if you have added a source dataset.

Destination Dataset

Selected Dataset

Select the year and dataset to which the data will be copied.



Options include:

  • KBIs—Includes KBIs in the dataset. If you do not select this check box, the KBI Projections screen for your dataset will not contain data. Not selecting this option assumes that someone will input forecast information later. Choosing to exclude KBIs means that you will have to recalculate your budget even if you do not update KBI values.

  • Hours—Includes overtime and adjusted hours from the datasets that are being copied. If you do not select this check box, the Adjust Hours and Rates screen for your dataset will not contain data for overtime and adjusted hours.

  • Rate Adjustments—Includes adjusted rates from the datasets that are being copied. If you do not select this check box, the Adjust Hours and Rates screen for your dataset will not contain data for adjusted rates.

  • Note: If you are copying a dataset from one year into another year, Unifocus recommends that you do not select the Rate Adjustments check box, as most adjustments should not carry over from dataset to dataset. If you are copying from one dataset to another dataset within the same year, you might (or most likely will) want to copy your previous adjustments.

Options are selected by default.


Closes the dialog box without applying your changes.


Applies your changes and closes the dialog box.