Earnings Detail report

This report shows daily details for all complete punches (no errors), total hours, regular vs. overtime, other earnings, and the gross wages for each employee that worked in a selected department. It also indicates the rates of pay and any changes made during the pay period. Salaried exempt associates are included on this report in their respective departments. The employee's Pay Type is displayed immediately following their name. If there is a contract for this employee, a column will be displayed showing the contract information.

The Earnings Detail report also displays hours from shifts that span from the last day of a pay period into the first day of the next pay period. If a shift spans from the last day of the previous pay period into the first day of the next pay period, the last day of the previous pay period appears as a gray row in the current pay period's report. If a shift spans from the last day of the current pay period into the first day of the upcoming pay period, the last day of the current pay period appears as a gray row in the current pay period's report.

If a report includes spanned shifts, users see a message indicating that shifts shown in gray contain hours that have been spread to another pay period.

Key Information

  • Availability—Standard report included with all installations.

  • Security—Sensitive. Shows all hours, rates, earnings, banked hours and wages for each employee.

  • Options—Select the Date range, Employee Class, Work Class, Shift Category, Rates, whether to print a Signature Line, Times, whether to summarize the earnings, Earning Categories. The report can be filtered by Division, Department, Job, or Employee.

  • Defaults—Current pay period for all departments.

  • Usage—Detail to the Daily Punch report for all earnings to be paid.

  • Data SourceReview Time Card screen.


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