Editing a cost structure for a budget line

With cost structures, you can configure how Budgeting calculates total monetary amounts using units, rates, factors, and fixed monetary amounts. There are two different methods of editing cost structures: with ranges and without ranges. KBI, Market Segment, Revenue Center, and Percent of Base lines are configured using ranges. Fixed and Job lines are configured without ranges.

Note: Total and Calculated lines do not have a Cost Structure & Results tab.


  1. In the upper-left corner of the screen, select Access your applications ( main menu icon ).
    The menu expands.

  2. Select FinancialBudgeting.
    The Budgeting Dashboard screen appears.

  1. Do one of the following:

    • To access a specific line from the Budgeting Dashboard:

      • In the left pane, double-click a line. 
        The Budget Tree screen opens to the selected line in the budget tree structure. The section of the budget structure appears partially expanded to display all totals at the same level in the tree menu.

    • To access the Budget Tree screen: 

      • From the Budgeting menu pane, select Budget Tree (  ).
        The Budget Tree screen appears.

  1. Select the datasets and periods to work with.
    For more information, see Viewing budget datasets and Viewing information in the Budget Tree screen

  2. Locate the line in the Budget Tree.

  3. Double-click the budget line for which to edit the cost structure.
    The Edit Budget Line dialog box appears.

  4. Select the Cost Structure & Results tab.

  5. Edit the table cells as necessary.

  6. To change field values, double-click cells and enter new values.

  7. To add a range, do the following:
    1. Select Add Ranges.

    2. From the drop-down list, select the type of range:

      • Costs per Unit

      • Fixed Costs

      • Factor
        The Edit Ranges dialog box appears.

    3. Select Add Range to add as many ranges as necessary.

    4. Edit the fields as necessary.

    5. Select OK.
      The dialog box closes, and the range is added.

  8. To edit a range, select Edit Range and complete the steps above used to add a range.

  9. If you need to copy and paste an entry:
    • To copy the entry, do one of the following:

      • Right-click the entry and click Copy.

      • Select the entry and press Ctrl+C.

    • To paste an entry, do one of the following:

      • Right-click the cell where you want to paste and select Paste.

      • Select the entry and press Ctrl+V.

  10. If you need to copy an entry to all subsequent periods:

    • Right-click your entry and select Copy Down.
      The selected value is copied to all lines below.

  11. Select Save.