Employee Master report
This report prints a single line of basic information for each employee. The printing of sensitive pay rate data is optional. You must also select the employee class and work class to print.
This is a good report to provide a department head, such as the housekeeping supervisor, with a list of all their employees and phone numbers. If you opt not to print rates, it may then be posted or distributed.
Key Information
Availability—Standard report included with all installations.
Security—Might display pay rates depending on options selected during configuration.
Options—Include or exclude Job and Rates or include employee data only. You can also choose to include or exclude inactive employees.
Options—User selects a date range, employee class, work class, whether to include inactive employees, and can filter by division/department/job.
Defaults—Current pay period for all departments with no inactive employees for whichever class is selected.
Usage—Print a list of employee data by department, with or without rates of pay for all employees.
Data Source—Employee Maintenance.
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