Exporting datasets in Budget Utilities

Use this task to export your budget from Unifocus Budgeting so that you can then import it into your accounting system (where you compare P&L to budget).

  1. In the upper-left corner of the screen, select Access your applications ( main menu icon ).
    The menu expands.

  2. Select FinancialBudgeting.
    The Budgeting Dashboard screen appears.

  1. In the Budgeting menu pane, select Budget Utilities (  icon  ) > Export Dataset.
    The Export Dataset dialog box appears.

  2. In the Selected Properties sections, select the properties to include in the export. To search for specific property, enter the name in the Search field.

    Note: If the Selected Properties section is collapsed, select the expand ( button ) button.

  3. The Selected Properties table updates with your selections.

  4. (Optional) Select Data File to export the dataset to the My Processes screen. 

  5. (Optional) Select Connect URL to export the dataset to the configured web address.

  6. In the File Name field, enter a file name for the export file.

  7. (Optional) If necessary, select one or both append options:

    • Append property code to file name—Select to append the property code to the file name. This selection is only relevant if you are exporting multiple properties. If you are exporting multiple properties, select this option.

    • Append year to file name—Select to append the year to the file name. This selection is helpful if you are keeping historical records.

  8. From the Year drop-down list, select the year to which you will export data.

  9. Select one of the following Dataset options:

    • Shared Datasets—Selecting this option opens a field for selecting system-defined datasets that are shared across the selected Property locations.

    • Individual Datasets—Selecting this option populates the Selected Properties table with user-defined datasets at the selected properties.

  10. If you selected Shared Dataset in the step above, select an option from the Select Dataset drop-down list. These options are the system-defined datasets that are shared across the selected Property locations.
    The Selected Properties table updates with all selected properties that share the dataset.

  11. Select Export.
    Your datasets are exported. 
    When the process is complete, a message appears with a link to retrieve the file. If the file is a “zipped” (compressed) folder, you will need to unzip the folder to extract the individual files before moving them to their destination folder. You can also retrieve the file from the My Processes screen. For more information, see My Processes.