Recalculating the budget in the Adjust Hours and Rates screen

Recalculating the budget recalculates the working dataset that you selected on either the Budgeting Dashboard or the Budget Tree screens. Recalculation is necessary whenever configuration changes are made to the following:      

  • Labor Standards      

  • KBI Configurations      

  • Forecast Volumes

Note: Although budget recalculation is typically performed on the Budget Tree screen, for convenience you can also recalculate on the Adjust Hours and Rates screen.

To recalculate the budget:

  1. In the upper-left corner of the screen, select Access your applications ( main menu icon ).
    The menu expands.

  2. Select FinancialBudgeting.
    The Budgeting Dashboard screen appears.

  1. In the Budgeting menu pane, select Adjust Hours and Rates (icon).
    The Adjust Hours and Rates screen appears.

  1. From the Tools drop-down list, select Re-Calculate Budget.
    The Re-Calculate dialog box appears.

  2. Complete the fields as necessary.

  3. Select OK.