Re-calculating a tip pool

You can change the total amount of tips to be distributed by re-calculating the tip pool.

For a description of the user interface, see Tip Pools.

  1. In the upper-left corner of the screen, select Access your applications ( main menu icon ).
    The menu expands.
  2. Select T&A > Tip Pools.
    The Tip Pools screen appears.

  1. In the Available Tip Pools pane, select the tip pool that you want to use to create earnings.
  2. Select Re-Calculate Tip Pool.
    The Re-Calculate Tip Pool dialog box appears.

  3. In the Tips field, enter the new amount to be distributed.

  4. Select Re-Calculate Tip Pool.
    A pending task appears at the bottom of the screen. When the process is finished, a Task Completed dialog box appears.

  5. Do one of the following:
    • To close the dialog box, select X.

    • To close the dialog box and refresh the screen, select Go to App.

    • To close the dialog box and open the My Processes screen, select Details.
      The My Processes screen opens in a separate tab. On this screen, you can view details about the process.