Review Pay Period
The Review Pay Period screen provides vital time card information for all employees who worked during the selected pay period. Displayed information includes the following:
All employees and the number of hours each employee worked.
Employees who have errors, unapproved shifts, or disputes.
Attendance points for each time the employee was late or absent.
Actual Hours, including regular hours, overtime hours, double time hours, premium hours, and total hours.
Scheduled Hours, including regular hours, overtime hours, double time hours, premium hours, and total hours.
Note: All shifts must be approved before a pay period can be closed. If there are any employees with shift errors, they must be corrected before approving the shifts.
Tip: Review Pay Period is a good way to check for duplicate punches. For example, if an employee punches in at 08:00, again at 08:01, and punches out at 17:00, the 08:00 punch will be matched with the 17:00 punch out, and would not appear as an error. You see the 08:01 punch In with no punch Out. It appears as if you simply need to add the punch Out. However, by doing so, you will pay the employee twice.
From the Review Pay Period screen, you can access each employee's Review Time Card screen. On the individual Review Time Card screens, you can view and edit shift information, approve shifts, and correct shift errors. Double-click an employee row to open the Review Time Card screen for the selected employee. For more information, see the following pages: