Schedule Change Validation
Use the Schedule Change Validation work rules to warn managers when they attempt to change a schedule in a way that violates a fair workweek law. You can configure the work rule to restrict any changes that will result in a violation or to permit the manager to proceed by selecting a reason for the change. If the work rule is configured to restrict all changes that will result in a violation, a message appears when the manager attempts to make the change on the Employee Schedules screen, notifying the manager that the change cannot be saved because it violates a fair work week law. If the work rule is configured to allow changes, a dialog box appears when the manager attempts to make the change on the Employee Schedules. The manager selects a reason for the schedule change from a drop-down list in the dialog box. If selected reason is marked as Inexcusable, a penalty earning is applied to the employee's Time Card. If the selected reason is Excusable, such as a change requested by an employee, no penalty earning is created. Excusable reasons are marked with an asterisk (*) in the drop-down list.
For example, a Schedule Change Validation work rule is configured to pay an employee four additional hours of pay at their regular rate for the job if their schedule is changed without sufficient notice. If a manager attempts to add a shift to an employee's schedule within 24 hours of the shift start time and the selected reason is Inexcusable, the penalty earning is applied to the employee's Time Card.
Note: To configure excuses for a schedule change, select Configure Excuses at the top of the details pane. For more information, see Configuring excuses for a Schedule Change Validation rule.
Note: You must have scheduling features and the Time & Attendance module for these rules to apply.
The Schedule Change Validation work rule type contains the following work rules:
Add Hours Penalty
Description |
If hours are added to an employee's schedule during the configured period threshold, a dialog box appears, notifying the manager that the schedule change will result in a penalty earning. If the manager proceeds with the schedule change, an earning is created and applied to the employee's Time Card. |
Parameters | Parameter | Description |
Earning Amount |
Dollar amount for the earning. |
Earning Type |
Type of earning to create for the penalty. |
First Threshold |
Number of days before the start date of the affected shift when the rule item goes into effect. Example: If your property has a rule that employees must be notified of a schedule change three days before the start of the affected shift, the First Threshold is 3. |
Maximum Shift Length |
The rule applies only to shifts with the specified maximum number of hours. Example: You can configure this work rule to apply only to shifts up to 8 hours in length. |
Minimum Adjustment Threshold |
Amount of time, in minutes, that a shift can be adjusted before incurring a penalty. Example: If Minimum Adjustment Threshold is 30 minutes, a shift can be adjusted by 30 minutes without incurring a penalty. If a shift is adjusted by 45 minutes, a warning appears, notifying the manager that the shift change will result in a penalty earning. |
Minimum Shift Length |
The rule applies only to shifts with the specified minimum number of hours. Example: You can configure this work rule to apply only to shifts greater than 4 hours in length. |
Percentage of Hours Change |
If selected, the earning pays out as a percentage of lost hours, rather than a set dollar amount. |
Priority |
Determines the order in which the work rule is run in relation to all other work rules. |
Second Threshold |
Number of days before the start date of the affected shift when the rule item is no longer in effect. Example: The earning amount paid to the employee varies based on whether the employee had one week's notice or two week's notice. You configure the First and Second Thresholds to create a time range for the specified earning amount. The first work rule applies from 14 days to 8 days before the start of the shift and pays 2 additional hours at the employee's regular rate. The second work rule applies from 7 days to 0 days before the start of the shift and pays 4 additional hours at the employee's regular rate. |
Use Planning Period Start Date |
If selected, the First Threshold and Second Threshold are based on the planning period start date, rather than the date of the affected shift. |
Remove Hours Penalty
Description |
If hours are removed from an employee's schedule during the configured period threshold, a dialog box appears, notifying the manager that the schedule change will result in a penalty earning. If the manager proceeds with the schedule change, an earning is created and applied to the employee's Time Card. |
Parameters | Parameter | Description |
Earning Amount |
Dollar amount for the earning. |
Earning Type |
Type of earning to create for the penalty. |
First Threshold |
Number of days before the start date of the affected shift when the rule item goes into effect. Example: If your property has a rule that employees must be notified of a schedule change three days before the start of the affected shift, the First Threshold is 3. |
Maximum Shift Length |
The rule applies only to shifts with the specified maximum number of hours. Example: You can configure this work rule to apply only to shifts up to 8 hours in length. |
Minimum Adjustment Threshold |
Amount of time, in minutes, that a shift can be adjusted before incurring a penalty. Example: If Minimum Adjustment Threshold is 30 minutes, a shift can be adjusted by 30 minutes without incurring a penalty. If a shift is adjusted by 45 minutes, a warning appears, notifying the manager that the shift change will result in a penalty earning. |
Minimum Shift Length |
The rule applies only to shifts with the specified minimum number of hours. Example: You can configure this work rule to apply only to shifts greater than 4 hours in length. |
Percentage of Hours Change |
If selected, the earning pays out as a percentage of lost hours, rather than a set dollar amount. | |
Priority |
Determines the order in which the work rule is run in relation to all other work rules. | |
Second Threshold |
Number of days before the start date of the affected shift when the rule item is no longer in effect. Example: The earning amount paid to the employee varies based on whether the employee had one week's notice or two week's notice. You configure the First and Second Thresholds to create a time range for the specified earning amount. The first work rule applies from 14 days to 8 days before the start of the shift and pays 2 additional hours at the employee's regular rate. The second work rule applies from 7 days to 0 days before the start of the shift and pays 4 additional hours at the employee's regular rate. |
Use Planning Period Start Date |
If selected, the First Threshold and Second Threshold are based on the planning period start date, rather than the date of the affected shift. |
Shift Modification Penalty
Description |
If any changes are made to an employee's schedule during the configured period threshold, a dialog box appears, notifying the manager that the schedule change will result in a penalty earning. If the manager proceeds with the schedule change, an earning is created and applied to the employee's Time Card. This work rule item generates a warning message if any modifications are made to an employee's schedule during the configured period threshold, regardless of whether the modification results in a change in net hours. |
Parameters | Parameter | Description |
Earning Amount |
Dollar amount for the earning. |
Earning Type |
Type of earning to create for the penalty. |
First Threshold |
Number of days before the start date of the affected shift when the rule item goes into effect. Example: If your property has a rule that employees must be notified of a schedule change three days before the start of the affected shift, the First Threshold is 3. |
Maximum Shift Length |
The rule applies only to shifts with the specified maximum number of hours. Example: You can configure this work rule to apply only to shifts up to 8 hours in length. |
Minimum Shift Length |
The rule applies only to shifts with the specified minimum number of hours. Example: You can configure this work rule to apply only to shifts greater than 4 hours in length. |
Percentage of Hours Change |
If selected, the earning pays out as a percentage of lost hours, rather than a set dollar amount. |
Priority |
Determines the order in which the work rule is run in relation to all other work rules. |
Second Threshold |
Number of days before the start date of the affected shift when the rule item is no longer in effect. Example: The earning amount paid to the employee varies based on whether the employee had one week's notice or two week's notice. You configure the First and Second Thresholds to create a time range for the specified earning amount. The first work rule applies from 14 days to 8 days before the start of the shift and pays 2 additional hours at the employee's regular rate. The second work rule applies from 7 days to 0 days before the start of the shift and pays 4 additional hours at the employee's regular rate. |
Use Planning Period Start Date |
If selected, the First Threshold and Second Threshold are based on the planning period start date, rather than the date of the affected shift. |