Unifocus Time Clock documents

This page includes the following documentation:

Click the links in the Title column to open the PDF for each document.

Installation and assembly guides

Title Description Notes

Touch Dynamic Horizon Series Assembly and Mounting Guide

This Touch Dynamic guide is for users who are responsible for installing UnifocusTime Clocks at partner sites.

Unifocus Time Clock Wireless Installation Guide

This guide is for users who are responsible for setting up and configuring UnifocusTime Clocks to connect to wireless networks.


  • If you are attaching the Time Clock to a wireless network that requires a wireless password or key, you must have this information before connecting the clock.

  • Splash or landing pages must be disabled for the Unifocus wireless Time Clocks to connect.

Quick reference guides

Title Description Notes

Quick Reference: The Time Clock Administration screen

This quick reference guide is for Time Clock users who have Administrator login credentials. It provides an overview of the UnifocusTime Clock Administration screen and the tasks performed from this screen:

  • Refreshing employees

  • Changing clock settings

  • Shutting down / restarting the Time Clock

  • Checking clock audio

Although this document shows you how to access the Clock Settings screen of the Time Clock, these settings should only be changed under the supervision of a UnifocusService Desk representative.

Quick Reference: Enrolling and re-enrolling employees

This quick reference guide is for managers and HR personnel who use the Time Clock to enroll and re-enroll employees. It provides instructions for enrolling and re-enrolling employees in the Time Clock.


Title Description Notes

Caring for Time Clocks

This handout is for all users who are responsible for cleaning and caring for Time Clocks. It provides guidance for cleaning the touch screens and the biometric reader.

This handout is only for those who are responsible for cleaning and maintaining the Time Clock. Managers should not distribute this handout to employees who use the Time Clock only to log in.

Understanding the Biometric Reader

This handout is for all users of the Time Clock. It provides an overview of the following information:

  • Biometrics.

  • The biometric reader.

  • The process of finger scanning to log in to the Time Clock.

This document emphasizes that fact that the biometric reader of the UnifocusTime Clock does not capture employees' fingerprints; it creates a mapping of points on the pad of the finger.

Caring for the Biometric Reader

This handout is for all users who are responsible for cleaning and caring for biometric readers used with virtual Time Clocks. It provides guidance for cleaning and protecting the scanner on the biometric reader.

This handout addresses only the biometric reader. If you are using the physical Time Clock with an attached biometric reader, see Caring for Time Clocks.

Checking the Status of UnifocusTime Clocks

This handout is for managers who are responsible for monitoring the connectivity status of UnifocusTime Clocks. It covers the following information:

  • Checking the status on the Time Clock home screen.

  • Checking the status in RMS.

The section on checking the status in RMS applies only to 9.x versions of RMS software.

Setting the Access Mode for Time Clocks

This document provides information for setting the access mode at both the database and Time Clock levels.

Technical specifications

Title Description Notes

Touch Dynamic Horizon Series specifications

This datasheet provides the technical specifications for the physical Time Clocks.

Unifocus Biometric Reader Datasheet

This datasheet provides the technical specifications for the biometric reader (finger scan unit) on physical Time Clocks.


Quick Reference Video

This video shows you how to correct punches in the Unifocus Time Clock.