Tip Management report
This report compares tips against gross sales for each employee that has either tips or gross sales entered. Note that gratuities are included but do NOT calculate into if an employee over- or under-reports tips. Employees who under report are denoted with an X in the far-right column. Each associate's tip percentage is also shown. Note that when entering tips for an employee, payroll is generally not setup to differentiate cash and charge tips. They are, instead, combined into one entry. The employees should enter their tips from the Time Clock. Gross sales are usually entered manually through the Earnings Wizard.
Key Information
Availability—Standard report included with all installations.
Security—Lists gross sales and tips.
Options—User selects date range and enters threshold percentage for under reporting.
Defaults—Current pay period for all departments.
Usage—End of pay period to see whom under-reported tips.
Data Source—Review Time Card screen.
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