User types and permissions
The actions that a user can perform within the Unifocus software are determined by permissions assigned to them on the Property Permissions tab of User Administration.
A user can be any combination of the three user types: User, Property Admin, and All Properties Admin.
You have four properties divided into two databases. You might create a user who is an All Properties Admin for Database 1 but allow the user to access properties in Database 2 as a User. Likewise, you might later decide to grant that same user Property Admin permissions for one of the properties in Database 2. In this case, the user is an All Properties Admin, a Property Admin, and a User across all four properties. The screenshot below illustrates this example:
The table below explains the three levels of property permissions that can be assigned: User, Property Admin, and All Properties Admin.
User type | Description | Applying/removing permissions |
User |
Users have access to specified screens for the selected properties, based on other configured permissions. The screens that the user can view and the actions they can perform are determined by configurations made in other User Administration tabs. UniFocus recommends assigning a user to a group first and then making any necessary adjustments to the user's individual permissions at the user level. For more information on completing user configuration, see Process Roadmap: Creating a user. |
Select the check box in the Can Access column on the Property Permissions tab to grant User level permissions. |
Property Admin |
Property Admins can access all screens for the selected property. |
Select the check box in the Property Admin column on the Property Permissions tab to grant Property Admin level permissions. |
All Properties Admin |
All Properties Admin is the highest level of administrator. All Properties Admins can access all screens for all properties within the selected database. |
Select the check box in the All Properties Admin column on the Property Permissions tab to grant All Properties Admin level permissions. |
Note: Security Administrators can modify and assign permissions to other users within their configured client levels.
To grant Security Administrator permissions to a user, enable Can administer users () on the General tab of User Administration. For more information, see Editing general user information.