Working with open shifts in Employee Schedules

An open shift is an unscheduled or unfilled shift, that is, a shift that has been added to the schedule but is not associated with an employee. At the top of the schedule pane is a row that indicates the number of open shifts, if any, for that day.

open shifts bar with two open shifts

A green Open Shift bar preceded by a plus icon () indicates that there are no open shifts for the day:

open shifts bar

Viewing open shifts

  • In the column of the day for which to view open shifts, click the # Open Shifts bar.
    The Open Shifts pane opens.It displays all open shifts for the day.

Adding an open shift

You add an open shift for a specific day and time.

  1. In the column of the day you want to schedule, click the Open Shift bar.

  2. Complete the fields as necessary.

  3. Click Add Shifts.

Assigning open shifts to employees

  1. At the top of the schedule pane, click the # Open Shifts > button for the day for which you want to assign shifts.
    The Open Shifts pane opens. This pane displays all open shifts for the selected day.

  2. In the pane, select an open shift and do one of the following:

    • To assign by dragging and dropping:

      1. Hover over the shift.
        The cursor changes to a hand icon.

      2. Drag the open shift to the desired cell in the scheduling page.
        The open shift block appears red until you hover over a cell that allows the drop.
        The shift is added to the cell.

    • To assign using the Open Shifts pane:

        1. Click the Assign button (  ).
          The Assign Open Shift to Employee dialog box appears.


      1. In the dialog box, find the employee to whom you will assign to the shift.Under Actions, click Assign.
        The dialog box closes, and the shift is assigned to the selected employee.

Making all open shifts available for pick up

  1. In the upper-left corner of the Employee Schedules screen, select schedule actions (ellipsis).
    A drop-down list appears.

  2. From the drop-down list, select Make Open Shifts Available for Pick Up.
    All open shifts are available for pick up in the Mobile App.

Editing multiple open shifts simultaneously

Rather than edit multiple shifts one-by-one, you can select a group and edit all at once. This functionality is especially useful when multiple open shifts are associated with an event. For example, a banquet schedule might require 30 open shifts to be sent to banquet staff. If the banquet schedule is extended by an hour, rather than regenerating schedules and labor projections just to change the end times on a batch of shifts, you can use this functionality to multi-select the 30 open shifts and change the end time with a only few clicks, rather than individually editing the 30 shifts.

  1. In the Open Shift pane, turn on Multi-Select ().

  2. Select a job.

    The list is filtered to include only the selected job.

    Note: You cannot edit open shifts that have different jobs. Shifts with different jobs will be filtered out of the list.

  3. Select the multiple shifts that you want to edit.

  4. Select Edit Selected.

    The Edit Open Shifts dialog box appears.

  5. Edit as necessary. If you want to keep existing assignments, turn on Keep Existing Assignments ().

    Note: If this option is not selected, assignments for all selected shifts will be updated to the value selected in the assignment drop-down menu.

Quick Reference Video

The following short video shows you how to fill an open shift in the Employee Schedules screen.