Add/Edit Shift Related dialog box in Labor Standards

Use the Add/Edit Shift Related dialog box in the Shift Related Standards tab in Labor Standards to create standards that are assigned to a specific shift.

Note: If you select Add Shift Related, the name of the dialog box appears as Add Shift Related. If you select Edit Shift Related, the name of the dialog box appears as Edit Shift Related. The fields in both dialog boxes are the same.

Fields on the Add/Edit Shift Related dialog box

Field Description Notes


Start time for the shift for which to configure standards.



Key Business Indicator to attach to the standard.


Work Type

Type of work to be distributed:

  • Daily—Uses the daily KBI total to determine the volume range to use.

  • Weekly—Uses the weekly KBI total to determine the volume range to use.

  • Staff—Used to configure a standard that accommodates additional work completed during each planned shift, such as attending meetings or balancing a cash drawer.

  • Recurring Task—Used to configure a standard that accommodates recurring fixed tasks within a shift, such as a daily cleaning period.


Units in which the work is measured.

Suppress Value

Specify the amount of the selected KBI that should not apply to the variable labor standard calculation. When configuring a standard, this feature allows you to start the standard at a volume above 1, without adding the additional labor for the volume below the starting point.

The KBI volume ranges are unaffected by this field. Only the amount of labor calculated in each range is affected.

Distribution Method

Select one of the options to determine how labor is distributed during the shift. Depending on the distribution method you select, you might be required to complete additional fields.

  • Flowed—Distributes the work across the shift based upon percentages by time period.

    • Flow Plan—Select a pre-configured flow plan to determine how labor is distributed.

    • Ignore Retention—Disables the Retention calculations if the KBI that is attached to the standard is related to a Revenue Center, and the Revenue Center has Retention defined.

  • Non-flowed—Distributes the work evenly across the shift. Select one of the following options:

    • Beginning—Distributes the work starting from the beginning of the shift and progressing towards the end of the shift.

    • End—Distributes the work starting from the end of the shift and progressing towards the beginning of the shift.

    • Middle—Distributes the work starting from the middle of the shift and progressing outwards in both directions.

    • Even—Distributes the total work according to the number of periods in the shift.

  • Opening—Specifies the amount of time it should take to open the revenue center or department associated with this job.

    • Earliest work start time—Earliest time that the work can begin. Required.

    • Work completed by time—Time that the work must be completed. Required.

  • Closing—Specifies the amount of time it should take to close the revenue center or department associated with this job.

    • Earliest work start time—Earliest time that the work can begin. Required.

    • Work completed by time—Time that the work must be completed. Required.


If you selected Staff as the Work Type, the Distribution Method is set to Non-Flowed by default and cannot be edited.

Add Range

Adds a new row to the table, so that you can add a new range.

From Volume

Starting number for the KBI volume range. This is the minimum number of KBIs for which the units of time are distributed.

Enter 1 in the From Volume field and up to 99999 in the To Volume field, to specify the range. For example, you use the KBI for Total Rooms. You know that you will never have more than 500 rooms, so you would enter 1 in the From Volume field and 500 in the To Volume field.

Note: If you added a value in the Suppress Value field, the value that you enter in the From Volume field should be greater than or equal to the suppress value.

Default: 1 OR, if adding a range to the table, the starting number is the To Volume of the previous range +1.

To Volume

Ending number for the KBI volume range. This is the maximum number of KBIs for which the units of time are distributed.

Enter 1 in the From Volume field and up to 99999 in the To Volume field, to specify the range. For example, you use the KBI for Total Rooms. You know that you will never have more than 500 rooms, so you would enter 1 in the From Volume field and 500 in the To Volume field.

Default: infinity ().


Enter the number of units to distribute for days on which an environment is in effect.

An environment is a special circumstance for which the volumes might differ from the norm. For example, you can create different standards for bad weather days or recurring events. For more information, see Environments.

The name of an environment column will match the name of the selected environment.


Enter the standard for each day of the week.


Deletes the row.


Closes the dialog box without applying your changes.


Applies your changes and closes the dialog box.