Budgeting Dashboard
Budgeting Dashboard is the landing screen for the Unifocus Budgeting application. It provides high-level insight into the budget status of your organization. Although there are default configurations applied to the screen, you can configure all or portions of each chart for each top-level budget line to meet your information needs.
Note: The image and field descriptions below describe the Budgeting Dashboard for an installation with an Operating Budget license. The controls, data, and fields that you see on the screen depend on your budget license.
Viewing the data on Budgeting Dashboard helps you determine whether you need to update the tile configuration, modify your budget by department, or make significant configuration changes to your overall budget.
The Budgeting Dashboard screen
The left side of the screen provides budget tree information for your organization: (1) top-level P&L group/department budget lines, (2) your working dataset, and (3) reference datasets. The information on this side of the screen is determined by your organization's budget structure. The right side of the screen includes (4) charts that display information about the selected budget lines. The information on this side of the screen is determined by your configurations in the Budget Configuration screens.
Note: See Fields and controls on the Budgeting Dashboard section below for more details.
* The image above is for an installation with an Operating Budget license.
Fields and controls on the Budgeting Dashboard
* The image above is for an installation with an Operating Budget license.
# | Field | Description | Notes |
Controls | ||
1 |
Budgeting menu pane |
Use this pane to access the different components of the Budgeting module.
For more information, see Navigating the Budgeting application. |
Default: Collapsed. |
2 |
Working Dataset |
Select the working dataset to view and work with on the screen. Either select the working dataset from the drop-down menu or type the dataset name in the field. The results are filtered as you type. For example, if you type a year, the results show all datasets for the year. If you type a specific name, the results show all the years that include that name. |
3 |
Period |
Select the financial period to work with. |
Default: Yearly total. Configurable options include names of viewing months and financial period numbers. |
4 |
Reference View |
Select up to four reference datasets to view, that is, budget datasets that you are comparing against the working dataset. Options include:
For more information, see Creating a reference view in Budgeting. Tip: For best performance, Unifocus recommends selecting one to three reference datasets. |
You can select up to four reference datasets. Changes to the Default view settings are saved for all subsequent sessions. |
5 |
Budget tree |
Top-level P&L group/department budget lines. For example, in typical budget trees for hotels, these top-level P&L group/departments include the Rooms Department, Food & Beverage Department, and Telecommunications Department. |
6 |
Working dataset |
Monetary value of the lines in the working dataset. |
7 |
Reference datasets (1 - 4) |
Monetary value of the lines in the reference datasets. |
Configurable charts (1 - 6) |
You can configure charts to be the same for all lines or you can configure different charts for different lines. Hover the mouse pointer over the charts to see information about specific data points. |
A default configuration is applied to the top line. |
8 |
Details |
The Details section contains of group of three charts that you use to view statistical information or calculations of statistical information. For Operating Budget licenses: Chart 1 typically displays a percentage calculation. Chart 2 and 3 typically display an average amount. You can configure each chart in the group. For example, you could configure all three tiles to display statistical information, or you could configure the first two tiles to show statistical information and the third tile to display a calculation of the statistical information from the first two tiles. Note: Hotels typically use the Occupancy %, Average Daily Rate, and RevPar tiles. For Labor Budget licenses: The three charts are hard coded to the selected line in the budget tree:
Available fields, tiles, and configuration options depend on whether you have an Operating Budget or Labor Budget license.
For Operating Budget licenses:
For Labor Budget licenses:
9 |
Trends / Productivity |
For Operating Budget licenses: This chart displays information about configured budget trends. For example, you could configure a trend between occupied rooms to food covers, allowing you to see any discrepancies between the data points. For Labor Budget licenses: This chart displays a productivity calculation. |
Available fields, tiles, and configuration options depend on whether you have an Operating Budget or Labor Budget license. For Operating Budget licenses:
For Labor Budget licenses:
10 |
Percentage / OT or Worked Hours |
For Operating Budget licenses: This gauge displays performance information based on configured percentage data. For Labor Budget licenses: The chart allows you to switch between Worked Hours and OT Hours for job lines in the selected budget tree section. |
Available fields, tiles, and configuration options depend on whether you have an Operating Budget or Labor Budget license. For Operating Budget licenses:
For Labor Budget licenses:
11 |
Variance to first reference dataset |
Chart that shows lines with the largest variances from the working dataset to the first comparative dataset. There are no chart differences between Operating Budget and Labor Budget licenses. |