Navigating the Budgeting application

The Budgeting menu pane

The Unifocus Budgeting application features its own menu pane, which allows you to freely navigate the Budgeting application without opening multiple instances. By default, this menu is collapsed. In collapsed view, only the screen icons are visible. However, you can still use the menu pane in both collapsed and expanded views.

Budgeting navigation

Budgeting menu pane options

Button Description Notes


Opens the Budgeting Dashboard, which is the Budgeting landing screen from which you view key budget information for your organization.

KBI Projections

Opens the KBI Projections screen where you view and import KBIs that affect your budget.

Adjust Hours and Rates

Opens the Adjust Hours and Rates screen where you add and import hours and rate adjustments.

The Adjust Hours and Rates screen is not available if your working dataset is Actuals in theBudgeting Dashboard

Budget Tree

Opens the Budget Tree screen where you access and edit your budget lines.

Budget Configuration

Opens the Budget Configuration screen where you set up and configure key components of the Budgeting application:

  • Charts—Configure the charts that appear on the Budgeting Dashboard.

  • Budget Structure—Create budget lines and make large-scale changes to the budget structure.

  • Full Time Equivalent—Create FTE types and configure monthly values for those FTE types in your budget.

Configuration options are not available for selection if your working dataset is Actuals in the Budgeting Dashboard.

Budget Utilities

Opens a drop-down list of critical budgeting tasks: 

  • Copy Dataset

  • Export Dataset

  • Import Budget Lines

  • Clear Dataset

  • Rebuild Cost Structures

Using the Budgeting menu pane

  • To expand the menu pane, select the expand arrow ( Expand ).

  • To collapse the menu pane, select the collapse arrow ( Collapse ).

  • To expand menu options, select the expand arrow ( Expand menu options ) next to option.

  • To collapse menu options, select the collapse arrow ( Collapse menu options ) next to option.

  • To open a Budgeting screen, select an option in the menu pane.
    Budgeting navigation