Changing pay rates for multiple jobs

Use the Edit Pay Rates screen to make pay rate changes to multiple jobs or employees at one time. For example, if all your Blackjack dealers are scheduled to get a $0.25 per hour raise, use the Edit Pay Rates screen to increase the wages for all selected employees at one time. 

Caution: If you use this feature, the data you enter will be applied to ALL the selected employees and any data previously entered in those fields will be overwritten.

Caution: If your employee records are updated by interfaces, any changes you make using the Edit Pay Rates screen will be overwritten the next time an interface file is imported.

  1. In the upper-left corner of the screen, select Access your applications ( main menu icon ).
    The menu expands.

  2. Select Administration > Employee Maintenance.
    The Employee Maintenance screen appears in a new tab.

  1. Select Employee Actions ().

  2. From the drop-down list, select Edit Pay Rates.
    The Edit Pay Rates screen appears.

    Note: Each row in the table corresponds to a job for an employee. If employees have multiple jobs, the table displays a row for each job, so you might see employee names and IDs more than once in the table.

  3. In the Effective Date field, enter the date you want the rate change to take effect by either typing the date in the field or selecting the date from the calendar.

  4. (Optional) To filter the jobs that appear on the screen, do the following:

    1. Select Filter ().
      The Filter dialog box appears.

    2. Complete the fields as necessary.

    3. Select Apply.
      The filter dialog box closes, and the Edit Pay Rates screen is filtered by your selections.

  5. Do one of the following:

    • In the Current Rate column, enter the new rate for the job.
      Your changes are saved automatically. The new rate will apply as of the selected Effective Date.

    • To change rates for multiple jobs:

      1. Select the check boxes for the jobs you want to change.

      2. Select Bulk Rate Adjustment.

      3. Select the Calculation Type.

      4. Enter the Amount to add or deduct from the current rate.

      5. Select Preview Changes.
        The new rates are highlighted in the Current Rate column.

      6. To confirm the changes, select Save.
        The new rates will apply as of the selected Effective Date.