Corporate Export Payroll

Use the Corporate Export Payroll screen to export payroll files that have been created by individual properties within your organization. If you manage payroll for multiple properties, you might need to compile payroll files from each property into a single file to complete your payroll process. In this case, you can use the Merge Files option on the Corporate Export Payroll screen to export one file that contains data from multiple properties.

Fields on the Corporate Export Payroll screen

Field Description Notes

Export Files

Runs the task of exporting the selected file(s). 
For more information, see Working with the Corporate Export Payroll screen

This field is enabled only if files are selected.

If you are exporting a single or merged file, a dialog box appears prompting you to enter a name and file extension for the file.

If you are exporting multiple files, RMS exports the files as .csv files and stores them in a .zip folder.

Export End Date

End date of the pay period for which to export files.

Default: End date for the current pay period for your property.
Merge Files If selected, the files that you selected in the table are combined into a single file upon export. Default: Cleared.
Remove Headers From Secondary Files If selected, header names are not repeated in merged files.

This field is enabled only if Merge Files is selected.

Default: Cleared.

Filter By Config Name

Type all or part of the Config Name for the file you want to display in the table. The table updates based on your entry.


Opens a drop-down list where you can select which types of files you want to display in the table. Options include:

  • Show Employee File Type

  • Show Payroll File Type

  • Show All Files for Date

  • Show Properties Not Exported

Default selection:

  • Show Employee File Type

  • Show Payroll File Type

Column settings

Expands the column settings pane where you can select which columns appear in the table.

Default: Collapsed.



If selected, the file is included in the export.

Default: Cleared.

Config Name

Name of the file. The name in this column matches the Config Name in Interfaces.

Prop ID

Unique identifier for the property to which the file applies.


Name of the property to which the file applies.

Export Start Date

Start date for the selected pay period.
The date in this column is relative to the selected Export End Date. If the property has bi-weekly pay periods, the Export Start Date is 14 days prior to the selected Export End Date. If the property has weekly pay periods, the Export Start Date is 7 days prior to the selected Export End Date. 

Export End Date

End date for the selected pay period.
The date in this column matches the selected Export End Date.

File Type

Type of data contained in the file: payroll data or employee data.

File Name

Name of the uploaded file.

Uploaded On

Date and time when the file was uploaded to Interfaces.

Uploaded By

Username of the individual who imported the file.

Exported On

Date and time when the file was last exported.

Exported By

Username of the individual who last exported the file.