New Open Shift dialog box in Employee Schedules

You can add a new open shift by selecting Add Open Shift () in Employee Schedules. This table describes the fields on the New Open Shift dialog box.

Fields on the New Open Shift dialog box

Field Description Notes
New Open Shift

Start Time

Start time of the shift.

Type the time in the field.


End Time

End time of the shift.

Type the time in the field.



Job type for the shift.

Select the job from the drop-down list.



Assignment type for the shift.

Select the assignment from the drop-down list.

This field is available only if assignments are configured.

Shift Category

Shift category for the shift. 

Use shift categories to differentiate types of shifts such as Training, Temp, or Contract. For example, if an employee will spend an entire shift in training, you might designate the shift as a Training shift.

Select the shift category from the drop-down list.

Only select if applicable to the open shift.


If the open shift is assigned to an event, select the event from the drop-down list.


# of Shifts to Create

Number of open shifts to create.

Type the number of open shifts to create.

Default: 1

This field is only available in the New Open Shift dialog box.

Make Shift(s) Available for Employee Selection

If ON (), employees can request to pick up the open shift from the Mobile App.

This feature is only available to managers whose employee records are mapped to a username in Employee User Maps.

If you do not see this feature, please contact your System Administrator for assistance.


Closes the dialog box without applying your changes.

Add Shifts / Select Employees

This button varies depending on whether Make Shift(s) Available for Employee Selection is ON () or OFF ().

  • Add Shifts—Adds the shift(s) to the schedule and closes the dialog box.

  • Select Employees—Saves your selections and opens the next screen of the dialog box.

If Make Shift(s) Available for Employee Selection is OFF (), this button appears as Add Shifts.

If Make Shift(s) Available for Employee Selection is ON (), this button appears as Select Employees.

Select Employees

This screen of the New-Edit Open Shift dialog box is only available if Make Shift(s) Available for Employee Selection is ON ().

Shift details

Start time, end time, and job for the open shift.


Schedule Group

Filter the table by schedule group.

Show Secondary Employees

If selected, the table displays secondary employees.


Type your search criteria in the field.The table automatically updates to meet the search criteria.

Employee selection table

Select the check boxes next to each employee that you would like to receive the open shift. To select all employees in the list, select the check box in the column header. Columns in the table include:

  • Select—Select the check box to notify the employee of the open shift.

  • Employee—Name of the employee.

  • Home Job—Employee's home job.

  • Weight—Number rating for whether the employee has potential conflicts that would make them less desirable as a choice to fill the shift.

  • Rank—Priority status of the employee for working that job.

  • Seniority—Employee's seniority date.

  • Sch.Hrs.—Number of hours the employee is scheduled to work for the week.

  • Av.Hrs.—Number of hours the employee is available to work for the week.

  • Availability—Employee's availability on the date of the open shift.


Returns to the previous screen of the dialog box.

Add Shifts

Applies your changes and closes the dialog box. The selected employees are notified of the open shift and can request to pick it up through the Mobile App.