Task Scheduler

Use Task Scheduler to schedule frequently performed tasks and reports to run automatically at designated times and intervals. Task Scheduler consists of two screens:

  • Task Setup—From this screen, you can create, edit, duplicate, run, and delete scheduled tasks.

  • Task Log—From this screen, you can view the history and details of all scheduled tasks.

The tasks that you can schedule include:

  • Calculate Attendance—Runs the Employee Points work rules and gives employees points when the employees' punches are outside of the established parameters. The purpose of this task is to record and report attendance infractions such as absenteeism, tardiness, early arrival, late departure, long breaks, and meals.

  • Calculate Forecast Accuracy—Runs algorithms to calculate both system and manager revenue center forecast accuracy.

  • Generate Projected Hours—Generates a forecast for the number of hours required to meet projected business volumes.

  • Generate Revenue Center Forecast—Generates a business volume forecast for your revenue centers.

  • Generate Rooms Forecast—Generates a forecast for rooms, arrivals, departures, and guests for transient market segments.

  • Generate Schedules—Generates a schedule based on labor requirement, regular schedules you might have created, each employee's required and preferred time off, and all jobs that an employee is trained to work.

  • Generate Standard Hours—Calculates how many hours of labor each job should have used to meet actual business volumes.

  • Import Forecast KBI Data—Imports forecast information from external, third-party systems such as a property management system (PMS) to populate forecast KBI data.

  • Open New Planning Period—Closes last week's forecast period and rolls the date forward to begin forecasting for the upcoming week.

  • Populate Revenue Data—Generates revenue data information in RMS.

  • Pre-Shift Screening Notifications—Sends notifications to employees who have an active survey on a specified number of minutes before their shift. The number of minutes is defined in an Employee Alerts work rule.

  • Project Accruals—Projects benefit accruals based on the Benefit Accrual work rules for the current pay period.

  • Reconcile Employees—Reconciles RMS employee information with information from an external, third-party system and updates accordingly. 

  • Reports—Schedules reports to run automatically. Reports can also be scheduled from Reporter.

  • Update Pre-Shift Screening Schedules—Enables surveys for employees based on their schedules for the next 24 hours.

Note: If dynamically applied standard sets are active, Task Scheduler applies the selected standard sets, not the originally configured standard sets for the tasks set up to generate standard and projected hours.

Note: You can schedule reports from Schedule Tasks pane of the Reporter software. For more information, see Adding a scheduled task in Reporter.

Quick Reference Videos

The following video shows you how to set up Task Scheduler using the Task Setup screen.

The following video shows you how to work with the Task Log screen.