1. General screen of the Create New/Edit/Duplicate Task wizard

The General screen is the first screen of the Create New Task, Edit Task, and Duplicate Task wizards. On this screen, enter general information and details for the task that you are adding, editing, or duplicating.

Note: If you are adding a new task, the wizard is labeled Create New Task. If you are editing an existing task, the wizard is labeled Edit Task. If you are duplicating an existing task, the wizard is labeled Duplicate Task. The screens and fields are identical for each variation of the wizard.

Note: Several of the fields on this screen depend on your selected Task Type.

screen 1 of Create New Task wizard

Fields on the 1. General screen of the Create New/Edit/Duplicate Task wizard

Field Description Notes

Task Type

Select the task type from the drop-down list. Options include:

  • Calculate Attendance—Runs the Employee Points work rules and gives employees points when the employees' punches are outside of the established parameters. The purpose of this task is to record and report attendance infractions such as absenteeism, tardiness, early arrival, late departure, long breaks, and meals.

  • Calculate Forecast Accuracy—Runs algorithms to calculate both system and manager revenue center forecast accuracy.

  • Generate Projected Hours—Generates a forecast for the number of hours required to meet projected business volumes.

  • Generate Revenue Center Forecast—Generates a business volume forecast for your revenue centers.

  • Generate Rooms Forecast—Generates a forecast for rooms, arrivals, departures, and guests for transient market segments.

  • Generate Schedules—Generates a schedule based on labor requirement, regular schedules you might have created, each employee's required and preferred time off, and all jobs that an employee is trained to work.

  • Generate Standard Hours—Calculates how many hours of labor each job should have used to meet actual business volumes.

  • Import Forecast KBI Data—Imports forecast information from external, third-party systems such as a property management system (PMS) to populate forecast KBI data.

  • Open New Planning Period—Closes last week's forecast period and rolls the date forward to begin forecasting for the upcoming week.

  • Populate Revenue Data—Generates revenue data information in RMS.

  • Pre-Shift Screening Notifications—Sends notifications to employees who have an active survey on a specified number of minutes before their shift. The number of minutes is defined in an Employee Alerts work rule.

  • Project Accruals—Projects benefit accruals based on the Benefit Accrual work rules for the current pay period.

  • Reconcile Employees—Reconciles RMS employee information with information from an external, third-party system and updates accordingly. 

  • Reports—Schedules reports to run automatically. Reports can also be scheduled from Reporter.

  • Update Pre-Shift Screening Schedules—Enables surveys for employees based on their schedules for the next 24 hours.

The fields on the General screen of the wizard update based on the selected task type.


Name of the task.

You can use the autogenerated name, edit the autogenerated name as necessary, or enter a new name in the field.

Names are autogenerated for all task types.

This field appears for all task types.

Send Notification to:

Select one of the following options to specify who will receive notifications about the task:

  • Myself Only

  • Others

  • No Recipients

This field appears for all task types.

Run As System User?

When turned on ( ), the task can be run as a system user (Property Admin or All Properties Admin). This ensures that scheduled tasks do not depend on a specific user and will continue to run if the user who created the task has been deactivated.

This toggle appears only if tasks are selected. Reports cannot be scheduled as a system user.

Number of Days Back To Begin Calculation

Begins the calculation for the specified number of days before the task run date.

This setting also accounts for the time of the scheduled task. For example, if a task is scheduled for 12:00 (12 PM) on Monday and is set for 7 days back, it will gather data from 7 days ago at 12:00 (12 PM) and up to the scheduled task’s run time of 12:00 (12 PM) on Monday.

This field appears for the following task type:

  • Calculate Forecast Accuracy


Labor Structure / Edit

Specify the levels of the labor structure for which the task will run. 

Select Edit to open the Select Labor Structure dialog box, where you select the levels of the labor structure.

This field appears for the following task types:

  • Generate Projected Hours

  • Generate Schedules

  • Generate Standard Hours

Weeks to process before planning period start

Projects hours back to the specified number of weeks before the current planning period.

This field appears for the following task type:

  • Generate Projected Hours


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Weeks to process after planning period end

Projects hours up to the specified number of weeks after the current planning period.

This field appears for the following task type:

  • Generate Projected Hours


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Standard Set

Change the standard set for which projected hours are generated. By default, projected hours are generated for the standard set specified in the Property Labor/Scheduler Setup screen.

This field appears for the following task types:

  • Generate Projected Hours

  • Generate Standard Hours

Default: Default (the standard set that is defined in the Property Labor/Scheduler Setup screen).

Rotate Days Off

Select the check box if you want to rotate the days that employees are off.

This field appears for the following task type:

  • Generate Schedules

Days to process (before yesterday)

Offsets generated standard hours for the specified number of past days of actual KBI volumes.

This field appears for the following task type:

  • Generate Standard Hours

Default: 21


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Clear Schedule

Select the checkbox to clear schedules when the tasks are run.

This field appears for the following task types:

  • Generate Projected Hours

  • Generate Schedules

Default: The checkbox is not selected.


Return to the previous screen in the wizard.

This button is unavailable on the first screen of the wizard.


Go to the next screen in the wizard.

This button is available only if you have entered data into all required fields.