Working with budget line access rights for a user

The Budget Lines Access Rights tab of User Administration lists all configured Budget Lines. On this tab, you can restrict or allow a user's access to specific budget lines.

This page describes the following tasks:

Accessing the Budget Lines Access Right tab for a user

  1. In the upper-left corner of the screen, select Access your applications ( main menu icon ).
    The menu expands.

  2. Select Administration > User Administration.
    The User Administration screen appears.

  1. In the left menu pane, select Manage Users icon ). This is the default view for the screen.

  2. From the User Accounts list, select the user for which to set budget line access rights.
    Details for the selected employee appear in the right pane.

  3. Select the Budget Line Access Rights tab.

  4. If necessary, use the Select a property menu to change the property and/or the Search () field to filter the tree menu in the table. For more information, see Working with tabs in User Administration.

Setting permissions for budget line access

In the Manage Users view, you can allow individual users to inherit their budget line access from group settings, or you can set access on a line-by-line basis.

  1. Expand the budget line tree menu to view lines in the budget structure.

  2. In the Inherited from group section, verify the permissions that users inherit from group settings.
    If a permission was inherited from a group, a group icon (  ) appears in the column. 

  3. To restrict access from an individual line that was inherited or to override the permission, select one of the following permissions under the User-level overrides section:

    • View Line and Value—The user can view and edit the budget line. 

    • Line only—The user can view, but not edit, the budget line.

    • Hide—The user cannot see or access the budget line. This option hides all child lines.

  4. To apply a setting to multiple lines, use the copy-down option (  ) in the Tools column. See Copying permissions for more information.

Copying permissions

Use the Copy down feature to copy down permissions from a parent budget line to all children. 

  1. Expand the budget tree menu to display child lines of the parent line from which to copy permissions.

  2. For the parent line with permissions to copy, in the Tools column, select the copy-down option (  ).
    A confirmation message appears. It asks if you want to copy the parent-level permission to child lines. The message also includes the number of lines that will be affected.

  3.  Select Yes.
    The permission is copied to child lines.

Tip: Use combinations of permissions, overrides, and copy-downs to more effectively manage permissions. For example, if a user inherited a parent View Line and Value permission for a budget segment with 10 child budget lines and you want the parent line to be viewable and editable but the 10 child lines to be only viewable, you can do the following in the User-level overrides section:
1. Select Line-only for the parent line.
2. Select the copy-down option (  ) for the parent line and copy it down to the 10 child lines.
3. Change the parent line back to View Line and Value.