Working with labor structure permissions for a user

From the Labor Structure Permissions tab of User Administration, you add labor structure levels and then select permissions for those levels.

This page describes the following tasks:

Accessing the Labor Structure Permissions tab for a user

  1. In the upper-left corner of the screen, select Access your applications ( main menu icon ).
    The menu expands.

  2. Select Administration > User Administration.
    The User Administration screen appears.

  1. In the left menu pane, select Manage Users icon ). This is the default view for the screen.

  2. From the User Accounts list, select the user for which to set authorization levels.
    Details for the selected employee appear in the right pane.

  3. Select the Labor Structure Permissions tab.

  4. If necessary, use the Select a property menu to change the property and/or the Search () field to filter the tree menu in the table. For more information, see Working with tabs in User Administration.

Adding and removing labor structure access for a user

On the Labor Structure Permissions tab of User Administration, you can add or remove rules that set a level of labor structure access.

Note: Adding or removing rows does not technically add or remove access. The rows that you add or delete represent a labor access configuration rule.

Adding access

  1. If necessary, expand the Client / Property / Division tree menu under the Org levels section to find the organization level.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Select Add labor access ().

    • Right-click the table and select Add labor access.
      The Add labor access dialog box appears

      Note: The tree menu in the dialog box displays only labor structure levels to which the user has access.
      If a labor structure level has already been added, the option is unavailable for selection in the dialog box.

  3. Select the organization level to which to add access.

  4. Select Add.
    A new row is added to the table.

Removing access

  1. If necessary, expand the Client / Property / Division tree menu under the Org levels section to find the organization level.

  2. In the table, select the row to remove.

  3. Do one of the following:

    • Select Remove selected row ().

    • Right-click the row and select Remove selected row.

  4. Select Remove rule.
    The row is removed from the table.

Setting labor structure permissions for a user

  1. If necessary, expand the Client / Property / Division tree menu under the Org levels section to find the organization level.

  2. In the User-level permissions section, select the check boxes for the items to which the user is granted access.

    Options include:

    • Schedules—Determines the available options in the Division/Department/Job selectors throughout Labor and Time & Attendance. If the check box is selected, the user can select divisions, departments, or jobs for those items.

    • Notifications—Notify the employee's manager with employee alerts (for example, Late Employees, In But Not Scheduled, and Late to Clock Out). If the check box is cleared, the manager does not receive alerts.

    • Reports—Determines the user's ability to run reports for the labor items that you specify.

    • Configuration—Determines the user's ability to modify the configuration of the labor items that you specify.

    • Approval—Determines the user's ability to approve schedules in the Schedule Approvals screens. For more information, see Setting up Schedule Approvals.

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