Budget Structure screen in Budgeting

Use the Budget Structure screen to create budget lines, move budget lines, and make large-scale changes to the budget structure.

Tip: If you want to change monetary amounts in the budget, use the Budget Tree screen. If you want to change budget structure and line configuration, use the Budget Structure screen.

Tasks performed from this screen


annotated image of Budget Structure screen

Fields on the Budget Structure screen

# Field Description Notes


Filter Budget Structure

Search for specific budget lines. The table updates as you type.


switch icon / switch icon


Locked / Unlocked Structure

switch icon—The structure is locked.

switch icon—The structure is unlocked.


Tools Use these controls to add, copy, cut, paste, delete, and move lines in the budget structure.


Add line(s)

Add budget lines. Options include:

  • Single

  • Multiple

  • Divider

Selecting an option opens the Add Line wizard.



Deletes a selected line.

This button is available only if a line is selected.



Cuts a selected line.

This button is available only if a line is selected.



Copies a selected line.

This button is available only if a line is selected.


Move Up

Moves a selected line up one level in the tree menu.

This button is available only if a line is selected.


Move Down

Moves a selected line down one level in the tree menu.

This button is available only if a line is selected.


The drop-down menu includes the following options for pasting cut budget lines:

  • Paste before line—Pastes the cut budget line before the line you select.

  • Paste after line—Pastes the cut budget line after the line you select.

This button is available only if you have already cut a line.


Expand Group

Expands a selected group of lines to display all child lines.


Collapse Group

Collapses a selected group of lines to hide all child lines.

Budget Structure Table




Expands a total line.



Collapses a total line.


Budget Line

Line type indicator—Icons indicate the type of budget line:

  • Total ( Total,budget line icon )—Used to group and organize lines and to build the budget structure. Any line can be turned into a total line. A total line can be turned into a detail line only if it contains no children.

  • Fixed ( budget line icon)—Used to enter fixed costs such as mortgage payments and fixed revenues such as those derived from leased space.

  • Job ( budget line icon)—Functional groups within a department that are used to define specific jobs. Job lines are used to compute the labor portion of expenses. 

  • KBI ( budget line icon)—Indicates lines associated with KBIs, which are factors that impact business at your property.

  • Calculated ( budget line icon )—Used to add or subtract budget lines.

  • Market Segment (  budget line icon)—Indicates lines associates with market segments, which represent categories of rooms and guests.

  • Percent of Base ( budget line icon)—Used to calculate total monetary amounts based on a percentage of monetary value from another line(s).

  • Percent of Labor (  budget line icon )—Enables you to configure new budget lines that allow a percentage of Hours and Costs to be sourced from a Job line.

  • Percent of Hours ( budget line icon )—Used to allocate percentages of job lines to subcategories of labor, such as company and leased labor.

  • Revenue Center ( budget line icon)—Used to designate a business outlet (besides rooms) that generates revenue.

  • Divider ( budget line icon  )—Used to insert blank lines into the budget for grouping purposes. A divider line is available only in the Budget Structure screen when adding a top level P&L group line.

6 Buttons


Cancels your changes.

This button is available only if you have edited the screen.


Saves your changes.

This button is available only if you have edited the screen.