Working with budget lines in the Budget Structure screen

For more information, see Budget Structure screen in Budgeting.

You perform the following tasks on the Budget Structure screen:

Adding budget lines

Adding a single line

  1. (Optional) In the Budget Line tree menu, select the P&L group/department budget lines where you want to add the line.

  2. In the Tools section, hover over the Add button ( buttons ). 

  3. From the resulting drop-down list, select the type of Single Line to add.
    The Add Budget Line wizard appears. 

  4. Complete the wizard as necessary. The configuration fields depend on the selected line type:

    1. If you are adding Job, Market Segment, or Revenue Center lines, the first step requires you to select the job, market segment, or revenue center. All other line types start in the first main screen.

    2. The first main configuration screen involves configuring the fields that are common to all budget lines.

    3. The second configuration screen involves configuring fields that are unique to the selected budget line.

    4. The final configuration screen involves configuring allocations for the selected line.

      Once you have selected allocation options, you can add the line to either the working dataset only or to multiple datasets. Do one of the following:

      • If you are adding the line only to the working dataset:

        • Select Add to working dataset.

          The wizard closes, and the line is saved and added to the working dataset.

      • If you are adding the line to multiple datasets:
        1. Select Add to multiple datasets.

          The Add to dataset(s) dialog box appears.

        2. Select the Add Dataset field, and select a dataset from the drop-down lists.

          Another Add Dataset field appears below your selection.

        3. Repeat the steps above to add the line to additional datasets. You can add the line to up to five datasets.

        4. When you have finished adding the line to multiple datasets, select Add to dataset(s).

          The dialog box and wizard close, and the line is saved and added to the working datasets.

Adding multiple lines

  1. (Optional) In the Budget Line tree menu, select the P&L group/department budget lines where you want to add the lines.

  2. In the Tools section, hover over the Add button ( buttons ).

  3. From the resulting drop-down list, select the type of Multiple Lines to add.
    The Add Budget Lines wizard appears.

  4. Complete the wizard as necessary. The configuration fields depend on the selected line type:

    1. If you are adding Job, Market Segment, or Revenue Center lines, the first steps require you to select the jobs, market segments, or revenue centers. If you are adding GL Accounts, the first steps require you to select account numbers and then, if necessary, edit the line types.
      The resulting wizard screen allows you to freely move through the General, Line-Specific Options, and Allocations tabs.

    2. Complete the fields in the tabs. 

      • General—This tab includes the fields that are common to all budget lines.

      • Line-Specific Options—This tab includes fields that are unique to the selected budget line.

      • Allocations—This tab includes allocation fields for the selected line.

  5. In the lower-right corner of the wizard screen, select Save.
    Your new lines are saved.

Adding a divider line

A divider line ( line type icon ) is a blank line on the top level of your budget. It adds a formatted space and allows you to separate sections of your budget. It cannot be added inside budget line groups; it can only be added at the top level (that is, the P&L Group line). For example, the image below displays an excerpt of a budget. In this structure, you could add a divider line between Rooms and Food & Beverage, but you could not add a line between Room Revenue and Room Expense.

Excerpt of a budget structure

Divider lines are only added for formatting purposes; they do not affect budget amounts.

To add a divider line:

  1. In the Budget Line tree menu, select the top-level, P&L Group line.

  2. In the Tools section, hover over the Add button ( buttons ). 

  3. From the resulting drop-down list, select Divider Line.
    A divider line ( icon ) appears at the bottom of the budget as a top-level line.

  4. Move the divider line as necessary.

Deleting a budget line

Note: You cannot delete a budget line that contains historical values.

  1. In the Budget Line tree menu, select the line to delete.

  2. In the Tools section, select Delete (  button  )
    The selected line is deleted.

Cutting and pasting a budget line

To cut budget lines from one position in the tree menu and paste them in or into another position, do the following:

  1. Select the grouping line that you want to cut.

  2. Select Cut (  button  ).

  3. Select a new group line into which to paste the item.

  4. Hover over the Paste(    ) button and select one of the following options:

    • Paste before line—Pastes the cut budget line before the line you select.
    • Paste after line—Pastes the cut budget line after the line you select.

    The item appears in the tree menu.

Copying and pasting a line

To copy and paste a budget line, do one of the following:

  1. Select the grouping line that you want to copy.

  2. Select Copy  (  button  ).

  3. Select a new group line into which to paste the item.

  4. Select Paste(  button  ).
    The item appears in the tree menu.

Note: Selecting Paste pastes the copied line to the position of the selected line. All lower lines move down one level. In the tree menu, the pasted line becomes a child line of the selected line.

Moving a budget line

You can only move a line within the total group. For example, in the budget structure below, you can move Rooms and you can move Food & Beverage, but you cannot move Rooms into Food & Beverage.

top-level lines expanded

To move a budget line:

  1. Select the line that you want to move.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Select Move up (  button).

    • Select Move down (  button).

Saving your work

The Save button is available only after you add or edit a line.

  • In the lower-right corner of the Budget Structure screen, select Save.
    Your work is saved.