Editing a budget line in the Budget Tree screen

This page describes the general procedure for editing a budget line in the Budget Tree. For more specific editing topics see the following:

Note: With the exception of account names and codes, most configurations and line-type information can be unique to a dataset. The current working dataset inherits the configurations of the dataset from which it was copied.

Note: If a line has the inactive icon (  ), it is inactive in your working dataset. (However, the inactive line might be active elsewhere in Budgeting.) You cannot edit an inactive line.

Although you edit budget lines in the Budget Tree view, you can access a budget line from either the Budgeting Dashboard or the Budget Tree screen.

To edit a budget line in the Budget Tree:

  1. In the upper-left corner of the screen, select Access your applications ( main menu icon ).
    The menu expands.

  2. Select FinancialBudgeting.
    The Budgeting Dashboard screen appears.

  1. Do one of the following:

    • To access a specific line from the Budgeting Dashboard:

      • In the left pane, double-click a line. 
        The Budget Tree screen opens to the selected line in the budget tree structure. The section of the budget structure appears partially expanded to display all totals at the same level in the tree menu.

    • To access the Budget Tree screen: 

      • From the Budgeting menu pane, select Budget Tree (  ).
        The Budget Tree screen appears.

  1. In the Budget Tree, double-click the line to edit.
    The Edit Budget Line dialog box appears.

  2. Edit the fields as necessary.

    Fields on the Add Budget Lines wizard and the Edit Budget Line dialog box

    Note: If you are adding a budget line, these fields appear in the Add Budget Lines wizard. If you are editing a budget line, these fields appear in the Edit Budget Line dialog box.

    Note: If you are adding a budget line, the Cost Structure & Results fields are not available in the Add Budget Lines wizard.

    Note: Available tabs depend on the line type that you are adding or editing. If tabs are unavailable, the text appears in a lighter font color. Also, a notification on the General tab tells you which tabs are unavailable for line type.

  3. Select Save.