General section of the Labor Structure screen

Use the General section of the Labor Structure screen to configure primary job information.

General section of the Labor Structure screen

Columns in the General section of the Labor Structure screen

Column Description Notes


Assign an alternative identifier for the item. This code appears on most reports.


Enter an abbreviation for a job that differentiates it from other jobs with the same name but that exist in different departments or divisions. 

Job Category

Associate a job with a job category.

For more information, see Job Categories.

Master Job

Configure jobs from different properties and link them to a master Job. For example, if you have Cook1 at three properties, you could set the Master Job (Division/Department/Job) to Kitchen/Cook/Cook1 and the information from all Cook1's will be displayed in reports as the same job.


Variance Percentages

Define a tolerance range for acceptable variances between projected hours/scheduled hours or standard hours/actual hours.

  • Projected—Defines the tolerance range used when comparing the percentage of projected hours to scheduled hours. Any variance that falls outside the range you specify is noted in the Weekly Forecast Exception report. For example, if the acceptable variance is from -5 to +7, you would enter 5 in the From field and 7 in the To field. 

  • Standard—Defines a tolerance range to be used when comparing the percentage of standard hours to actual hours. Any variance that falls outside the range you specify is noted in the Hours Variance Analysis report.  For example, if the acceptable variance is from -5 to +7, you would enter 5 in the From field and 7 in the To field. 

An entry in these fields overrides the entry you made in the Property Labor/Scheduler screen (Setup > Property > Labor/Scheduler).

OT Variance Percentages

Enter overtime (OT) as a percent of total hours. For example, if you enter "3" in OT Variance Percentage, you are specifying that 3 percent overtime is the variance percentage; therefore, in the Manage Schedules screen, any number above 3 percent sends a warning.


Determine the work rate associated with this job. For example, how fast can a job be accomplished, how many products can be produced when performing this job, and so on. This information is only used for the Labor Productivity report.

  • KBI—Determines which KBI is used in the calculation.

  • Units—Determines the type of measurement used in the calculation.

  • Goal—Enter the number you are striving to achieve in this job. For example, assuming that this is the Houseman job and you selected Minutes/Unit in the Units drop-down list, you might enter "12" in the Goal field, meaning you expect one room to be cleaned in 12 minutes.

Employee Productivity

Settings for a job that requires tracking of employee-level productivity. These settings determine which employees appear in the Employee Productivity screen. Double-clicking the cell opens the Employee Productivity dialog box, where you configure the following fields:

  • KBI 1,2—Select up to two KBIs.

  • Goal (units per shift)—Numerical value of the desired goal in units per shift.

  • Allow Override—Select if you want to make the goal overridable in the Employee Productivity screen.

  • Ratio of KBI2 to KBI1—If you are using two KBIs, enter the ratio of KBI2 to KBI1.

  • Hours in full shift—Number of hours in the shift.

Labor Cost Percentage

Specify the revenue-based KBI used to calculate the labor cost percentage at the organization level.

Double-click the table cell and select the KBI from the drop-down list in the dialog box.

This field can only be edited if you have an Operating Budgeting license.

Exclude from Payroll Export

Determine whether the job information is included in the payroll export. If selected, job information is not included in the payroll export.

Show on Dashboard

Determine which divisions, departments, and/or jobs are displayed on the Labor Dashboard.


Associate a certification with a job.

For more information, see Certifications tab of Employee Maintenance.


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