Shift Genius

Shift Genius refers to a collected set of functionality that helps managers more efficiently create and manage employee schedules. In the Unifocus software, this functionality spans Employee Schedules, Employee Requests, and Mobile.

Shift Genius for Employee Schedules

Before the release of version 10.4, only managers could see system-generated open shifts on the schedule. Managers assigned those open shifts to available employees from the Employee Schedules screen. Once assigned, if employees elected to drop the shift or call in for the shift, managers could then make that shift available for pickup.

Release version 10.4 introduced the ability for managers to make open shifts available for pickup when adding or editing shifts in Employee Schedules. When creating or editing open shifts, the New Open Shift dialog box and Edit Open Shift dialog box now include a Make Available For Pickup toggle. If selected, the next step in the dialog box opens a list of available employees. From that list, managers can specify which employees are notified of the open shift. Selected employees receive a notification that the shift is available for pickup and can request to pick up the shift from the Mobile App. When an employee submits a request to pick up the shift, a pending Employee Selection request appears on the manager's Shift Requests screen. Managers can then assign the shift to the employee or cancel the request.

Note: This feature is only available to managers whose employee records are mapped to a username in Employee User Maps. If you do not see this feature, contact your Client Success Manager (CSM) for assistance.

For more information, see Working with open shifts in Employee Schedules.

Shift Genius for Employee Requests

The Employee Selection request type was added to Employee Requests. When managers create an open shift in Employee Schedules, they have the option to select certain individuals to pick up the shift. They can view and manage the employees' responses by selecting the corresponding request card on the Shift Requests screen.

For more information, see Responding to an Employee Selection request.

Shift Genius in the Mobile App

Managers can also manage open shifts and Employee Selection requests from the Approve Shift Requests and Employee Schedules screens of the Mobile App.

For an overview of screens in the Mobile App, see Unifocus Mobile App Quick Reference Guide.