Creating a task

In the Task Setup screen, you can create and schedule frequently performed tasks and reports to run automatically.

  1. In the upper-left corner of the screen, select Access your applications ( main menu icon ).
    The menu expands.

  2. Select Administration > Task Scheduler Setup.
    The Task Setup screen appears.

  1. Select Create Task.
    The Create New Task wizard appears. The first screen is 1. General.

  2. On General screen, enter the general information for the scheduled: task type, name, and whether notifications are sent to you, others, or no recipients.
    Additional fields appear based on your selections. 

  3. Select Next.
    One of the following results occur:

    • If you started a task that requires notifications, the 2. Recipients screen appears.

    • If you started a task that does not require notifications, the 3. Frequency and Priority screen appears.

  4. If your task requires notifications, on the Recipients screen, specify which users should receive the notification. By default, no users are selected.
    The fields on this screen depend on whether you are scheduling tasks or reports. If you are scheduling tasks, use the Recipients screen to specify who will be notified when the conditions are met. If you are scheduling reports, use the Recipients screen to specify who will receive the report when it is sent. The instructions below explain both variations.

    • If you are scheduling general tasks:

      1. From the Notify On drop-down list, select whether recipients will be notified on success, failure, or both.

      2. Add the users who will receive notifications. Search by user ID or add a new user. Do one of the following:

        • To search for existing users:

          • Select the Search Users (  ) field and select a user from the resulting drop-down list.

          • In the Search Users () field, enter an ID in the field.
            As you type, the list updates based on your entry.
            Select the user from the filtered list.

        • To add a new, non-RMS user:

          1. Select the Search Users (  ) field.

          2. In the Send email to additional recipients field at the bottom of the drop-down menu, enter the user's email address.
            Send email to additional recipients

          3. Select Add e-mail.

      3. Select Next.
        The 3. Frequency and Priority screen appears.

    • If you are scheduling reports:

      1. Add the users who will receive notifications. Search by user ID or add a new user. Do one of the following:

        • To search for existing users:

          • Select the Search Users (  ) field and select a user from the resulting drop-down list.

          • In the Search Users () field, enter an ID in the field.
            As you type, the list updates based on your entry.
            Select the user from the filtered list.

        • To add a new, non-RMS user:

          1. Select the Search Users (  ) field.

          2. In the Send email to additional recipients field at the bottom of the drop-down menu, enter the user's email address.
            Send email to additional recipients

          3. Select Add e-mail.

      2. In the Subject field, enter the subject of the email notification.

      3. in the Message field, enter the message of the email notification.

      4. Select Next.
        The 3. Frequency and Priority screen appears.

  5. On the Frequency and Priority screen, specify how frequently the task will be run.

  6. Select Next.
    The 4. Review screen appears. It displays a summary of your scheduled task.

  7. Review the read-only information on the Review screen. If your need to edit your task, select Back and edit the previous wizard screen as necessary.

  8. Select Submit.
    A Success message appears. Your task is saved and scheduled.